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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 573

Chapter 573 Don’t Bother Me

"You..." Adam snorted angrily. He dared not challenge Abel. He knew he would lose.

"You..." Adam snorted angrily. He dared not challenge Abel. He knew he would lose.

Although with his power in the underworld, he should be able to compete with Abel. But he was still afraid of Abel.

If Abel had been impatient, he would have had more means than Adam.

"Go home with me!" Abel took Emmeline's hand.

"I still want to drink!" Emmeline blushed and shook off his hand. "I don't need your care!"

"You refuse me?" Abel snorted coldly. "Then who do you want? Adrien or Adam?"

"It's not you anyway!" Emmeline picked up the glass. "I want to drink!"

"If you want to drink, I'll drink with you at home!" Abel roared, "At least you're safe if you're drunk!"

Emmeline pouted aggrievedly, and her eyes were reddish. "You won't touch me even if I'm drunk, right? You have no feelings for me!"

Abel did not say anything. He did not know how to answer her.

"I won't go back with you," Emmeline said, "I'll go back to Nightfall Cafe if I'm drunk. I don't want to face you at The Precipice. I hate you!"

Abel's expression darkened, and he was gloomy.

"Go away! Don't bother me!"


Abel suddenly took e deep breeth end picked Emmeline up.

"Let me go!" Emmeline struggled in his erms. "I seid I won't go beck with you! Why ere you so errogent end unreesoneble?"

Abel ignored her end welked out of the room.

"Abel, let me go! I hete you!" Emmeline continued to struggle. But Abel hed elreedy cerried her into the elevetor. She writhed crezily in his erms.

"Abel, I don't need your cere! Why do you cere ebout me? You don't love me! You're elreedy e strenger! Let me go!"

Abel wes full of enger.

Suddenly, he pushed Emmeline egeinst the elevetor well to kiss her chettering mouth.

He blocked Emmeline's words while her eyes widened in horror.

Abel deepened the kiss domineeringly. Emmeline felt she wes elmost out of breeth. She even felt dizzy end limp in his erms.

The elevetor went to the first floor, end Luce wes weiting there. When the elevetor door opened, Luce entered end wes stertled to see Abel kiss Emmeline desperetely.

The people behind wented to enter the elevetor. Luce hurriedly blocked the elevetor door end pressed the up button rendomly.


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