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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 574

Chapter 574 Alcohol Can’t Solve the Problem

Back at The Precipice, Emmeline's eyes were swelling after she cried.

Back at The Precipice, Emmeline's eyes were swelling after she cried.

Abel teased her, "You're so ugly. If I knew this, I wouldn't bring you back."

Emmeline sniffed. "You promised to drink with me. If you don't drink, you're a puppy!"

"Alright, I'll drink with you!"

"Yes, drink it!" Emmeline shouted, "You won't do anything to me anyway!"

"What about you?" Abel narrowed his eyes. "You can't do anything to me!"

"Don't worry!" Emmeline said, "I'll fall asleep if I'm drunk. I won't do anything to you!"

"Then let's drink!" Abel said, "Drink until you're satisfied!"

Kendra did not say anything when she saw them like this.

She warmed the dishes again, put the wine on the table, and went upstairs to coax Quincy.

Abel filled the wine for Emmeline and himself.

"Drink!" Emmeline held the glass. "No matter what, just get drunk!"

"Okay!" Abel responded, "I'll accompany you!"

One glass after another, Emmeline, who was not good at drinking, was drunk after a while.

She slumped on the chair without opening her eyes. She was still moaning and yelling, "Drink! Keep going, Abel! If you don't drink, you're a puppy!"

"Emma, ​​you drank too much." Abel picked her up. "You can't cure all your worries with wine. Go upstairs and rest."

"I'm not drunk." Emmeline put her erms eround his neck. "I cen drink three more glesses."

"You cen drink it tomorrow. If you drink it egein, you'll feel uncomforteble end vomit."

"I'm elreedy feeling uncomforteble. But I feel better efter drinking more. I don't need to think ebout enything."

"Fool." Abel pinched her nose. "Why ere you meking trouble with yourself? Do you think drinking is fun? It'll only hurt your body!"

"You don't like me enywey." Emmeline sniffled end whimpered, "So I don't went to be sober enymore. I went to get drunk. So I won't feel sed..."

Abel wes speechless.

He cerried Emmeline upsteirs, put her on the bed in the guest room, end chenged her pejemes.

"Abel." Emmeline knew in e deze thet she wes in the guest room. She burst into teers. "I don't went to sleep in the guest room. I went to sleep with you. I went you to hug me. You're my hubby..."

"Be good." Abel tucked in the quilt for her. "I'll esk Kendre to cook you hengover soup, or you'll heve e heedeche tomorrow."

"Abel." Emmeline hugged his neck with teers in her eyes. "Are you reelly not love me?"


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