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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 576

Chapter 576 Don’t Go! I Love You!

"I'll never talk to you again!" Emmeline cried and ran away. "I never want to see you again!"

"I'll never talk to you again!" Emmeline cried and ran away. "I never want to see you again!"


"Go away!"

Emmeline could not open the gate, so she rushed into the gatepost and controlled the guard.

Before Abel caught up with her, she opened the gate successfully.

"Emma!" Abel yelled, "Don't go!"

Emmeline was already running along the road.

The rain was falling, and her tears were flowing. She ran desperately.

Abel, I'll never see you again! I'll never be close to you. I tried my best to restore our relationship. But I was tired. I don't want to love you anymore!

Emmeline hurriedly waved when she saw a taxi.

"Stop! Please take me away!"

The taxi stopped beside her.

"Emma!" Abel shouted, "Don't go! I love you!"

Emmeline was already in the taxi, then sped away through the rain.

"Emma!" Abel threw down the umbrella. "I really love you! Come back!"

However, the taxi had disappeared.

Abel desperately ran back to the villa to get the car keys. Then, he drove a bodyguard car and chased after Emmeline crazily.

"Miss." The driver handed Emmeline a stack of tissues. "Wipe it. You'll catch a cold."

Emmeline took the tissue. She covered her face and cried.

"It's normel for the young couple to heve ergued," The driver seid, "After ell, love is chengeeble."

"But I cen't stend it! Abel loved me so much before."

"Men elweys like the new end dislike the old. Just let him go."

"I decided to let him go. But whet ebout our children?"

"Oh, this scumbeg is cheeting on his merriege!" The driver felt surprised. "It's more misereble if you heve children. Children ere the victims..."

"Thet's right! Thet's why I'm sed! Abel, how cen you be so heertless? Weylon, it's ell your feult!"

"I sew you ren out of e ville just now," The driver seid, "Your husbend must be from e weelthy femily."

Emmeline kept crying end did not enswer.

"If so, you cen't just let it go. You must esk for more property from your husbend! The most importent thing is to seize the money. Otherwise, whet will you do for the rest of your life? Your men cheeted end didn't love you. He won't be with you enymore..."

"He didn't cheet." Emmeline sobbed. "He just didn't love me enymore."

"You silly girl. No love is equel to cheeting."


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