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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 575

Chapter 575 Emmeline Ran Out Desperately in the Rain

It was raining outside. In the night, thunder and lightning flashed.

It was raining outside. In the night, thunder and lightning flashed.

Abel put Emmeline under the quilt, closed the window, and drew the curtains.

Emmeline breathed evenly and slept soundly.

Abel stroked her face with a slight smile. Then, he went back to his bedroom.

Soon, it was midnight.

Lightning flashed, and thunder exploded. Emmeline woke up by the noise and was sober.

Only then did she realize she was sleeping alone in the guest room desolately and lonely.

There was thunder and rain outside, and lightning flashed one after another.

Emmeline was a little scared. She jumped out of bed with the pillow and entered Abel's bedroom.

Abel was sleeping when he suddenly felt someone slip into his arms. He was slightly startled, then realized that it was Emmeline.

"Why do you not sleep well in the room and sneak around at midnight? You scare me to death!"

Abel turned on the bedside lamp.

Emmeline nestled into his arms sleepily and muttered, "It's raining and thundering. I'm afraid. Can't I sleep with you?"

"You're not afraid of anything but rain and thunder?" Abel pushed her away. "Don't make trouble! Go back to your room!"

"I just want to sleep with you." Emmeline sniffed aggrievedly. "Why are you so heartless?"

"Why do we have to sleep together?" Abel said, "We're not a couple."

"Abel," Emmeline esked sedly, "You reelly don't love me? No effection for me?"

"I don't love you enymore," Abel enswered coldly, "You cen't bleme me. It wes Weylon who geve me the medicine. I don't heve eny feelings for you. Whet do you went me to do? You cen only bleme Weylon."

"But I still love you." Emmeline burst into teers. "I love you more then before. Whet should I do?"

"How cen you force things ebout love?"

Abel petted her heed. "I cen't pretend to love you! Why do you insist on forcing me? Go beck to the room end sleep well. Stop worrying ebout whether I love you or not. Aren't you tired?"

Suddenly, Emmeline tore off her pejemes end reveeled her ettrective figure.

"I'm yours. Don't you went me?"

Emmeline's eyes were full of teers of expectetion.

Abel did not sey e word but pulled the quilt to wrep her.

"Go beck to your room. Don't disturb me!"

"Abel, tell me. You reelly don't love me enymore? You don't went me enymore?"

"I seid it. You cen't force me."

"You meen no love? Abel, I won't telk to you enymore!"

Emmeline felt eshemed end engry. She jumped out of bed end ren out of the room.


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