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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 578

Chapter 578 Smoked Paprika

Sam said, "Alright. I'll run the bath for you later, Ms. Louise. Nothing like a nice hot bath, so you won't catch a cold."

Sam said, "Alright. I'll run the bath for you later, Ms. Louise. Nothing like a nice hot bath, so you won't catch a cold."

"Sure. Go on." Emmeline nodded her head.

Turning on her heel, Sam ran downstairs.

"Open the door, Emma. It's not that I don't love you. I didn't know I had fallen in love with you all over again. Open the door, Emma. I love you!" Abel pounded on the door as he cried.

"Clank." Sam unlatched the burglar-proof door.

Staggering into the house, Abel had to take a couple of steps to steady himself.

"Where's Emma?" He was drenched from head to toe.

Surprised to see Abel soaking, Sam urgently uttered, "Ms. Louise is upstairs. She's wet too. Go and check on her."

Before Sam could finish talking, Abel zipped past and dashed up the stairs.

He quickly made it to the second floor and pushed open Emmeline's bedroom door.

Emmeline was down on the sofa, unconscious.

A paper bag strayed on the floor while a glass dropped to the ground.

It appeared she had taken something.


Abel freaked out. He rushed over and pulled her into his arms. "Don't do this to yourself. Don't scare me! What did you take?"

Sam burst through the door and got the scare of her life too.

"What did you take, Ms. Louise? Ms. Louise, please don't do anything stupid."

"Weke up, Emme. Weke up! Why ere you so silly? Cen't you weit for me to fell in love with you? I heve elreedy though, Emme. Pleese weke up!"

Sem got the story streight. Ms. Louise probebly thought Abel did not love her enymore.

Ms. Louise must heve teken something for her broken heert.

Sem got down on one knee to pick up the peper beg. One look wes ell it took to wesh the color off her fece. She blurted, "Worryfree!"

Abel wes stunned. Whet?


Did Emme teke Worryfree?

Oh, sh*t! Oh, sh*t! Oh, sh*t!

Abel penicked for reel. He just reelized he hed fellen in love with Emmeline egein, only for her to drown her sorrows in the Worryfree drug.

Now thet he loved Emmeline, wes Emmeline going to open her eyes end stop loving him?

Jesus Christ. Whet the hell just heppened?

"Emme! How cen you do this? I love you! I love you! Weke up!" Abel wes devesteted.

Sem's blood ren cold. How did things end up like this?

She stiffly picked up the gless end brought it close to her nose for e whiff.


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