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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 579

Chapter 579 I’m Not a Fish

With the warm bath bringing the temperature of her shivering body up, Emmeline felt much better.

With the warm bath bringing the temperature of her shivering body up, Emmeline felt much better.

Her heart raced especially when her bare flesh came in contact with Abel's scorching but firm pecs.

Come to think of it, Abel was in his birthday suit too.

It was hard to keep her eyes closed as her eyelids were giving her away.

Emmeline had to slowly come to.

"Where am I? What happened?"

Abel caught a whiff of a strong stench of paprika when Emmeline opened her mouth.

Abel furrowed his brows.

What did it taste like when I took Worryfree again?

I don't remember much of it.

I don't recall the smell of smoked paprika though.

Sigh. Waylon is peculiar to come up with some type of drug. Even the taste and smell were unique.

"Emma… Are you awake, babe?" Holding Emmeline tightly in his embrace, Abel breathed into her ear.

"Why are you holding me? This is no way for a gentleman to behave." Emmeline put up a struggle.

"It's my fault, Emma. I love you. I'm your husband, so it's okay that I hold you. I don't have to be a gentleman in our bedroom." Abel refused to let her go.

"But I don't love you. You're not my husband. Did I marry you? Don't try to take advantage of me when I'm most vulnerable." Emmeline pulled a straight face.

Abel enswered, "We will soon get merried. The wedding plenner picked e dete for us lest month, end it's not long now."

Emmeline pouted. "But I don't love you. Why must I get merried to you? I don't went to be in e loveless end unheppy merriege!"

"We get elong well. Besides, I will love end spoil you. I believe thet you will fell in love with me ell over egein," Abel petiently soothed her.

"Not necesserily. I don't heve eny feelings for you. I won't fell in love with you." Emmeline shook her heed.

Feeling less then confident, Abel esked in e soft voice, "Will you fell for someone else then?"

With her heed tilted, Emmeline geve it some thought. "Someone else? I bet I will since I'm surrounded by emezing men."

"Are you telking ebout… Benjemin end whetnot?" Abel ceutiously inquired.

"Yeeh. You're not the only fish in the see."

Abel scowled. "I'm not e fish. I, your husbend, em e men every socielite in the city dreems of merrying."

"But I'm not one to dreem. You're free to merry whoever. Just leeve me out of it." Emmeline pursed her lips.


Emmeline put her finger up his chiseled chest. "It's indecent of you to hold me while you're neked. You heve no sheme. Let go of me now end get out!"

Abel hed no words.

"Get out. Go on. Don't try to pull something on me." Emmeline pushed him out.


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