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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 82

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 82

The man’s deep voice rang next to Emmeline’s ear. “It’s me, Abel!”

“Mm.” Emmeline felt a twinge in her nose and tears welling up in her eyes. She leaned gently onto his chest/

“I told you I’d pick you up. Why did you leave on your own?” Abel grumbled.

“I…” Emmeline stammered. “Help me remove the bag from my head.”

Abel grabbed the bag and pulled it but did not manage to remove it. The other end of the bag was fastened with string.

The thugs split into two groups. Four of them fought against Luca while the other three surrounded Abel.

With no other choice, Abel hugged Emmeline close to him with one arm and used the other to fight with the thugs.

In an unfortunate coincidence, he did not order the bodyguards to follow him tonight because he did not want to create a spectacle.

“Put me down,” Emmeline said. “You’re fighting at a disadvantage.”

“No,” Abel said. “You’ll become a hostage if they get their hands on you.”

Emmeline thought it made sense. She hugged Abel’s neck tightly with both her arms.

One of the thugs seized the opportunity and used a dagger to stab Emmeline’s back.


Abel turned around abruptly. The dagger missed Emmeline’s back but drew a line across Abel’s arm.

“Ugh!” Abel grunted softly.

Emmeline could smell blood. “Mr. Ryker! Are you hurt?”

“It’s only skin-deep. Hug me tightly!”

As he spoke, the three thugs rushed up to him.

Emmeline discerned their locations from their voices. Supporting her body weight on Abel’s body, she lifted herself up and kicked backward twice.

She hit the thugs accurately this time. The thugs yelped in pain and retreated.

At the same time, Abel knocked the

ether thug to the ground and stepped on his face with his shoe. “Answer honestly! Who hired you?”

“No one hired us!” The thug spoke with his mouth facing the ground. “We followed her for some time because we thought she looked pretty.”

“I’ll give you one more chance to tell me the truth!”


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