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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 83

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 83

“Hey, let me go!” Emmeline whispered in embarrassment. “Luca is over there!”

Abel ignored her and continued lowering her head, intending to force his lips onto hers.

Before he could touch Emmeline’s lips, he felt a cold finger stop him.

“Thank you for saving me, but…” Emmeline said with a smile, “Let’s skip this.”

Abel lifted his head and said hoarsely, “Ahem, I was thinking of punishing you for your disobedience!”

Luca, standing outside the car, could not help but chuckle.

To Mr. Ryker, the idea of a “punishment” is a kiss! Too bad, he didn’t get what he wanted!”

“Go away!” Abel finally found an outlet to release his anger.

Luca shuddered and ran some distance away.

The police cars arrived and took the thugs away.

After that, Abel’s Rolls-Royce left the scene.

In a corner, Alana’s face was pale with anger as she sat in her car watching the incident develop.

As she rubbed her stomach, she felt like killing someone.

Not only had Abel not admitted to violating her, but he was also acting so intimately with Emmeline.

Most importantly, he had rescued that b*tch!

That was utter humiliation!

“Emmeline Louise and Abel Ryker! You two have gone too far this time!” Alana said through gritted teeth. She was about to start her car and leave when someone knocked on her window.

She turned around in shock and saw a familiar face standing outside the car.


“Open the door.” Adam’s low yet authoritative voice was heard.

Alana hastily pressed a button on the control panel. Adam opened the door and sat on the side passenger seat.

I’ll deal with the surveillance cameras. Don’t worry,” Adam said coldly.

Alana’s heart skipped a beat. She said gingerly, “Adam, did… did you see everything?”

You want to get rid of that woman, right?”

Alana gasped in shock.


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