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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 90

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 90

When Emmeline, dressed in á protective suit, came into the ward, she was stunned by what she saw.

Abel… looks just like the boys’ father!


Julianna, behind her, said nonchalantly, “Abel, you might only be the boys’ uncle, but we’re grateful for your help. I wish Adrien hadn’t gotten himself into such trouble. He should’ve been more responsible.”

Abel stood up and gazed intently at Julianna. “Aunt Julianna, I’m doing this for Star and not for Adrien. He shouldn’t have gone to the Imperial Palace!”

“What’s done is done. We’re also very worried for him! Fortunately, he received the PEP injection in time. Who knows what might happen if he kadn’t?”

“If he insists on going there, it’s only a matter of time before he gets attacked. He might be lucky this time, but it better not happen again!”

“I’ll take care of my own son! You don’t have to worry about him!” Julianna snorted coldly and stood up. “All of this wouldn’t have happened to Adrien if Adam was the CEO of Ryker Group! He would’ve been a capable worker.”

Abel noticed that the “Wonder Doctor” had arrived. He escorted her into the ward.

“Mm,” Emmeline answered and stole a glance at him from the corner of her eye.

She went up to Hesperus’ bed and turned her head away so that her son did not see her eyes.

Even though a visor shielded her face, she believed Hesperus could recognize her if he saw her eyes.

She took the boy’s pulse and inserted several Five-Elements needles at certain points.

“How is the boy, Ms. Wonder Doctor?” Abel asked in a low voice.

“I can only stabilize his condition. He’ll be fine in the short term,” Emmeline spoke in a hoarse Voice. “But there isn’t anything that can completely cure his symptoms for now.”

“What should we do?” Abel asked worriedly. “Please find a way to save him!”

“Your best option for now is a bone marrow transplant,” Emmeline said. “Every time the boy’s blood disorder is triggered, it’ll be a life-and-death experience for him. He might not be so lucky the next time, and I might not be able to give you the medicine before the inevitable happens.”

“…” Abel was feeling hopeless.

“It’s not the end yet. Now that the boy’s condition is stabilized, you should take the opportunity to find a suitable donor.”

“I know,” Abel said. “I’ll find a way. Thank you!”

“Don’t mention it.” Emmeline felt a lump in her throat.


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