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The Quadruplets Are Mine? novel Chapter 91

The Quadruplets Are Mine? Chapter 91

Emmeline and Abel went back to the pediatric ward. Landen had already contacted Adam, his eldest son.

“We can’t rely on Adrien, so I had to ask Adam.”

“There’s me too, Uncle Landen. If more people are tested, the chances for a match will be higher,” Abel said.

“If there’s no other option, I’m willing to get tested too,” Landed said. “I don’t want to lose a grandson while I do nothing about it.”

Julianna turned her head to look at Emmeline. “Emmeline, if my husband or eldest son is discovered to be a compatible donor, you and the children should consider settling down. If you marry Adrien, he might learn how to behave!”

Emmeline lowered her head.

Is Julianna holding me hostage with Hesperus’ life?

However, she had no way of fighting back.

What was her happiness compared to her son’s life?

“Did you hear me, Emmeline?” Julianna said threateningly.

Emmeline bit her lower lip and said with much difficulty, “Yes, I did.”

Abel turned his head away. His gaze was as cold as ice.

Just like Emmeline, he was in no position to say anything about Julianna’s decision.

The child’s life was more important than anything else.

The only way for him to salvage the situation was if Landen and Adam were found incompatible, but somehow he was.

The chances of that happening were close to zero.

If the child’s grandson and the

father’s brother were not compatible, the father’s cousin would be less likely a match.

Abel could only pray that at least one of them was compatible.

The most important thing was to save Hesperus’ life!

Half an hour later, Adam showed up at the hospital dressed in a black suit.

Alana and Rosaline also received the news. They came to the hospital bringing supplements.


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