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The Rise of Dragon Temple novel Chapter 106

Chapter 106

At about one o’clock in the afternoon, Paige ran back hurriedly, which was also almost when Joseph had just returned from the Junlin Group. Her face looked very strange. She seemed very worried at first, and then extremely excited, but soon the worry vanished completely. After all, her husband, Joseph, had returned safely, her heart was only left with excitement. “Honey, I’m back,” Paige ran to Joseph from a distance before Joseph entered the house. This caused her to pant while calling him. “Hmm, weren’t you going shopping with Leng Yijun and Yin Chaoge in the afternoon? How come you’re back now?” Joseph looked at Paige with confusion and asked. Paige panted and ran to Joseph’s side, saying anxiously, “I’m not going. I’m not in the mood anymore. Honey, I know something that is big. Let’s go, hurry back to the house and I’ll tell you. This cannot be heard by others..” As she spoke, she dragged Joseph into the house. Joseph was wondering what kind of big things his wife could know. What on earth was it? Why was she in such a hurry? Couldn’t she come back at night and tell him? Wasn’t she supposed to go shopping, which is what women like to do? But when Joseph saw his wife’s happy look, he stopped asking questions and followed her into the house. After entering the room, Paige pulled Joseph into the inner room anxiously. Then, she closed all the doors and windows hurriedly. The atmosphere in the room became solemn for a moment, and her face became very serious. She seemed to be telling Joseph something very

important. “Hmm, honey, what do you want to do? You’re making me panic with that look on your face. I swear, I have never done anything wrong to you.” Joseph was taken aback by Paige’s expression. He could not help moving back while sitting on the bed. He was thinking that he really didn’t hook up with anyone, right? The next moment, Paige, who looked serious, stood in front of Joseph. Her face was extremely serious, but her voice was very low and solemn as she lowered her head to Joseph. Her eyes were fixed on Joseph, who was sitting on the bed and leaning back. She said solemnly, “Honey, do you know the Dragon Temple Lord on the battlefield of Outer Region?” Paige’s tone was extremely dignified and serious as this was a big deal. “D*mn!” Joseph immediately panicked, his eyes glazed over, and his heartbeat instantly sped up a lot. He gulped fearfully, cold riches flowed down from his face. He then said weakly, “Uh, honey, listen to my explanation, I didn’t mean to hide it from you…” Joseph was really flustered at the moment. He wondered how Paige could possibly know the deepest aspect of his identity he hid and what he should do. Paige nodded, waved her hand to interrupt Joseph. She continued in a solemn tone, “It’s okay, honey.” “I know you are afraid of me being worried so you don’t tell me anything about the Outer Region battlefield. I just want to ask you, did you ever see that god-like Dragon Temple Lord when you were a soldier in the Outer Region? What did he look like? Did he really come from Frogua?” Paige asked Joseph a series of questions one after another. “Oh, wait? What did you say? Did you just ask if I had ever seen the Dragon Temple Lord?” Joseph, who was already planning to show his hand and apologize to Paige, was confused again. He lifted his head and looked blankly at Paige standing in front of him. Paige nodded and said, “Yes, that’s right. Chaoge told me that it was a god-like existence and it’s about the same age as us. Furthermore, he built the Dragon Temple on the Outer Region  battlefield in just five years. Although he is not part of the Frogua military, he is fantastic. Honey, tell me quickly, aren’t you also a God of War on the Outer Region battlefield? Have you met that person before? Have you heard of his story?” “Hmm…” Joseph was speechless and he thought to himself, “Have I ever met him? I’m that person!” You asked me if I’ve seen myself? What’s wrong with you, my silly wife? Joseph thought to himself. After that, Joseph heaved a long sigh of relief in his heart as Paige’s solemn expression almost scared him to piss. He really thought that he had been exposed. “D*mn, you scared me to death. Can you not be so fussy in the future? It’s just a Dragon you don’t have to act in this way. You scared me so much.” Joseph hurriedly took out a tissue from the bed to wipe the cold sweat from his face. This gave him a fright. Paige was so startled that she almost scared him out of his mind. He was even ready to summon all the soldiers of the Dragon Temple to protect Paige’s family. After all, he still had enemies in the Outer Region and when those people could not do anything to him, they might come to Paige who was weak. Or Estella who always played Mahjong overnight? Or Yihir who go club overnight? Fortunately, it was a false alarm, and he still had some time to prepare. After all, if he exposed his identity now, it would be very troublesome for the Mooney family. “Hmm.” Paige was also stunned by Joseph’s words. She reached out and waved her hand in front of Joseph and said, “Honey, are you okay? Are you angry? Are you mad that I think other men are strong?” Joseph had nothing to say. He waved his hand and said, “No, how can I be angry with you? If the three of you insist on thinking that Dragon Temple Lord is a God-like man, so that’s it. What do I have to be angry about? I have no grudges against him.” Paige was greatly relieved that she had just been really scared. She was afraid that Joseph would be angry. Fortunately, her husband was generous. She then asked Joseph excitedly, “Honey, have you ever seen that Dragon Temple Lord then?” Joseph nodded and said, “Well, I’ve met him a few times. He has helped Frogua a few times in the Outer Region battlefield. That person’s strength is strong. He is also handsome, which is comparable to your honey here. Besides, I heard that he is also very dedicated, he only loves one woman in his life! In the years of fighting in the Outer Region battlefield, he has always thought of that silly woman.”

Paige’s heart was still overwhelmed when she heard the front. But when she heard Joseph’s last sentence about a silly woman, she was in a bad mood and said gloomily, “Honey, why does that Dragon Temple Lord like a silly woman?” Joseph took a deep look at Paige and said, “I don’t know about this. Or not stupid, it feels like that woman is the same as you. A woman who is not willing to think too much, simple minded, easy to be bullied.” Paige felt that Joseph was talking about her on purpose, but she had no proof. She could only huff and puff and glare at Joseph, saying, “I’m not stupid.” “Well, you’re not stupid. By the way, if you asked me for that person’s contact information, I don’t have it. Without much else I’ll leave. You frightened me…” Joseph said to Paige. He really wanted to go out and smoke a cigarette to calm himself down. As soon as Paige saw Joseph was about to leave, she grabbed his arm and said, “Don’t go, honey. Wait a minute.” “There’s something else. Since you’ve seen the mysterious Dragon Temple Lord, have you ever seen one of the Four Divine Kings, Slaughter?” “D*mn! You even know this?” Joseph stood up in an instant. In the future, if anyone dared to say that his wife was stupid, he would beat her to death. Paige even knew Slaughter. D*mn, did his wife master the intelligence department of the Outer Region battlefield?

Paige was also excited. She nodded excitedly and said, “Well, haha, my honey really know about it.” Joseph nodded his head and looked at Paige nervously and asked, “Yes, I know. Why are you asking about Slaughter?” Paige said anxiously, “Honry, it isn’t my question, it is Zhaoge’s. Wasn’t she saved by Slaughter when she came back? At that time when Chaoge was in the car, she saw the scene of Slaughter saving her. She had been thinking about that butcher these days. So, honey, was Slaughter married? Did he have a girlfriend?” D

The corners of Joseph’s mouth twitched twice and he looked at Paige with unmistakable creepiness and asked, “So you’re saying that Yin Chaoge likes Slaughter? Does she like that sluggish and boredom man?” Paige nodded and said, “Well, that’s right. Chaoge is really in love with that Slaughter. That’s why I’m asking around for you on her behalf. Tell me, did that man get married or have a girlfriend?” Joseph shook his head and said, “I haven’t heard of it, I don’t think so. Well, I’m sure there isn’t!” Joseph was going to refuse, but after thinking about it, he gave Paige a very positive answer again. “Yeah!” Paige jumped up instantly, incredibly excited. She asked Joseph again, “Well, if you meet Slaughter again in the future, or if you have time, you can ask someone to find his contact information and give Chaoge.” Joseph nodded and added, “Well, okay, don’t worry, I’ll keep an eye on it.”

Then, she continued to ask happily, “Honey, do you know any other strong, young, and unmarried men?” Joseph asked cautiously, “Well, tell me first, what do you want to do?” Then, Paige told Joseph about the requirements for the person Leng Yijun was looking for. After listening to her, Joseph felt even worse. He thought to himself, “F*ck, a few word person, handsome, cold and powerful, wasn’t he Vanish? The Vanish King, one of the Four Divine Kings?” “Honey, do you have any? If you do, introduce him to Yijun. Yijun is actually a warm and crazy person. She has been single for too long and she wants to get married too, but she can’t find the right person.” Paige was being affectionate. Joseph nodded helplessly and said, “Well, okay, I’ll keep an eye on it. I’ll ask if I’m free.” “Well…” Paige was finally satisfied and sat next to Joseph. She hugged his arm and said with a sigh, “How nice it would be if Chaoge really got along well with Slaughter and if Yijun also


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