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The Rise of Dragon Temple novel Chapter 29

Chapter 29

Another hour later, Paige called Joseph and told him to bring Chloe upstairs. When Joseph and Chloe got upstairs, Estella and Yahir had left, leaving only Paige and her sister, Serena. O “Joseph…” Serena gazed at Joseph meaningfully while suppressing the doubts in her mind. After all, Paige’s affairs mattered the most now. Before that, she had heard from Estella about the conditions to return to the family given by Leonard. She thought it was very challenging, and she did not know if Paige could accomplish it. Then, she took Chloe from Joseph’s arms. On the other hand, Paige seemed concerned. Deep down, she thought that the military had recently expelled Joseph, and he was jobless now. Even if he started to search for a job, it would be impossible to find one in just one or two days. Perhaps, it would even end up taking a month. During this period, their family of three would have to rely on her for expenses and house rent. In addition, as Estella did not wish to see Joseph, she did not allow Paige to move back home. Seeing that Paige was gloomy, Joseph asked carefully, “Paige, what’s wrong? Do you mind sharing?”

To that, Paige shook her head and took a deep breath. After smiling at him and Chloe, she said, “I need to go out and take care of some matters, and I might be returning late. Joseph, take Chloe with you and find a cheaper house nearby. We should rent one and settle there for now. We can’t be staying in the hotel all the time…” Once she finished, she told Serena, “If you are free these days, can you help me to take care of Chloe? Her father needs to go out and find a job too. Thank you…” Instantaneously, Serena waved her hands. “Sure. Please leave this to me. We are sisters, after all. I am free these days. So, you can go ahead with your work, while Joseph can also find a job. I will take care of Chloe…” Hearing Serena’s assuring words, Paige nodded before she kissed Chloe and said, “Chloe, I have some matters to take care of outside. Can you play with Dad and Aunt Serena today?” Sensibly, Chloe nodded, kissed Paige’s face, and promised, “Okay. Don’t worry, Mommy. I will be a good girl and stay with them…” Upon hearing this, Paige glanced at Joseph. Without uttering a word, she got up and walked out of the door, looking a little tired. After she left, Joseph frowned. He felt that she must have hidden something from him. Thus, he looked at Serena doubtfully and asked, “Is Paige okay?”

With a complicated expression, Serena sighed and shook her head. “My father wants her to return to our family’s company. After all, both of you are now back, and it will be more convenient for her to work there. But my grandfather gave her three conditions. He didn’t ask her to complete all of them, though. Just one is enough. It’s just… it’s just that those three conditions are too challenging.” Joseph continued to ask calmly, “What exactly are those? Can you tell me?” Being asked, Serena went on to say, “Firstly, she will have to collect two million dollars debt from the Porter family in Guplyae. Secondly, she is required to expand three new sales channels. And lastly, she has to take down one of the problems that our family finds difficult to solve. None of them are possible to achieve. I think they are just making things difficult for her…” Just then, Chloe, who was in Serena’s arms, also quickly interrupted, “Dad, Mom is in trouble. You have to help her. I hate to see her suffer…” When Serena heard Chloe’s words, her eyes lit up, and she stared at Joseph intensely. However, Joseph nodded with a smile and apologized, “I’m sorry, Chloe. I just came back, and I don’t know anyone here, so I’m afraid I can’t help. But you have to believe in your mom. You know she can do it, right?” For a moment, Chloe tilted her small head and pondered before she finally gave a cute nod. “Of course. I believe in Mom. She is powerful, and I know she can do it. When the time comes, Grandpa and Great Grandpa will finally accept us…” Upon hearing that, Joseph nodded. Then, he checked out the room with Serena and took Chloe to find a house outside. As Serena grew up in Oplen, she was well familiar with the city. At three o’clock in the afternoon, through the introduction of her classmate, she found a house with two rooms for Joseph and Paige. Since it was not located in the heart of the city, the rent was quite affordable. Besides, she and the owner knew each other well, so the rent was only 1,500 dollars a month. Without hesitation, Joseph paid the rent. Later, under the lead of Serena, the three bought a lot of daily necessities. As for the rooms, Serena took one while Joseph, Paige, and Chloe shared the other. At six o’clock in the evening, Joseph had finished cooking, but Paige hadn’t returned home. After he called her, he had dinner with Serena and Chloe. Later, when it was eight o’clock in the evening, Paige finally came back. However, there was a faint palm print on her right cheek, which was slightly swollen. Moreover, her eyes were red and swollen. It seemed like she had cried once again. Seeing this, Joseph narrowed his eyes, and subconsciously, a killing intent rose in his heart. Nevertheless, no matter how he asked, Paige kept insisting that she was fine and was just a little tired before going back to her room to sleep. After cleaning up the kitchen, he was about to call Alpha 1 and ask him to investigate when Serena came out of Paige’s room.

“Serena, what happened to your sister? Did she tell you anything?” Joseph asked Serena. With hatred, Serena gritted her teeth and fumed, “This afternoon, she went to the Porter family’s company in Guplyae to ask for the two million dollars. But instead of the Porters, she only met their manager. Then, when I realized her face was a little swollen, I asked her repeatedly, and she finally told me that a manager named Isa Murray slapped her and drove her out…” Once she finished, she glanced at Joseph and sighed, “Well, don’t think too much. The Porters have owed us for almost eight years, and they will never pay us back. I think I should persuade Paige to give up…” With that, she went back into the room and continued to persuade Paige. After the room door was closed, Joseph slowly turned his head to look at Paige’s room. Once again, the killing intent in his body rose. Originally, he planned to let Alpha 1 solve the Mooney family’s issues swiftly. Nonetheless, it did not occur to him that Paige would be so anxious that she went there today. “You’re so dead, Porters!” he cursed inwardly. At that time, he had the urge to go to Guplyae right away, but Paige and the others were still awake. If he chose to leave now, he wouldn’t be able to explain himself. Thus, he sent a message to Alpha 1 instead. Hour by hour, the time slowly passed, and soon, it was midnight. Paige and Chloe were sleeping soundly. Just then, Joseph-who was lying on a bed on the other side

-opened his eyes. The next moment, he got up cautiously, opened the door slowly, went downstairs, and walked into the darkness in the distance. While he was walking down the stairs, his rage could no longer be concealed. Since Isa dared to bully his wife, there was no way he would spare Isa’s life. But what he didn’t know was that just as he got downstairs and walked to the distance, Serena’s bedroom’s window curtain was slightly pulled open, and her eyes emerged behind the small gap…


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