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The Rise of Dragon Temple novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74


“Boss… No, it’s impossible. He’s dead for a long time ago. He died five years ago. he died. He can’t still be alive!” Fu Junlin’s face was pale. After hearing Joseph’s voice, he felt as if his world has crumbled. Concurrently, Joseph, who was dressed in black, walked up from behind. As soon as Joseph came up, Wang Tianhai and the others automatically stood behind Joseph. They lowered their heads and said nothing. They lowered their head. Joseph looked at the terrified Fu Junlin with cold eyes and uttered slowly, “Do you want to say that you are the one who poisoned me and pushed me down the river?” Bang… Meanwhile, when Fu Junlin saw Joseph with his own eyes, he no longer had doubt in his heart, because at this moment, Joseph was really standing in front of him. He looked at Joseph as if he had seen a ghost, and shook his head subconsciously. “Impossible, this is impossible. How are you not dead, how could you not die!” The gloomy aura on Joseph’s body became denser. He continued to stare at Fu Junlin and asked, “Answer my question. Do you think the Junlin Group belongs to you?” At this moment, Joseph’s aura had burst out. “Boss, I was wrong. I was wrong. Please spare me. Junlin Group is yours. It has always been yours, not mine. Boss, I was wrong. Boss, please spare me. I used to be your best brother. Boss…” Fu Junlin apologized to Joseph with tears in his eyes. Bang… Concurrently, when everyone heard their conversation, they were left dumbfounded. At this very moment, all the big shots of Usmait had their jaw dropped. They were left dumbfounded by their conversation. Indeed, the Junlin Group did not belong to Fu Junlin from the very start. Fu Junlin was not its founder! Fu Junlin was just a shareholder of the company. Five years ago, the founder of Junlin Group suddenly died, leaving no one to take over it. Fu Junlin took over the entire Junlin Group! The Lord of the Dragon Temple was the true founder of the Junlin Group. Now all the big shots of Usmait finally understood the motive to why the Dragon Temple was trying to kill Fu Junlin. The truth was buried five years ago. Five years ago, a dazzling star was making waves in the Usmait’s business industry. And that person was the founder of Junlin Group, Fernando Dawson! This is Joseph’s former name. The star back then was now the Lord of Dragon Temple… “Only people as capable as him was only able to set up such a powerful organization like the Dragon Temple…” The group of big shots muttered in their hearts. Their eyes were filled with admiration. Meanwhile, they were imagining if back then Joseph was not being assassinated, how huge would the Junlin Group be? After all, Fu Junlin only inherited some of Joseph’s assets and he had brought the Junlin Group to become the largest establishment in Usmait… Joseph ignored the commotion behind him and continued to stare at Fu Junlin lividly. He asked with gloomy eyes, “Fu Junlin, back then did I mistreat you? I even named the company after you. I treated you well. If it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even be able to go to university! If it weren’t for me, your father wouldn’t even have the money to perform his surgery. But why did you want to kill me? Why?” Fu Junlin lowered his head and stopped talking because he knew in his heart that he was a traitor. What Joseph said was true. Fu Junlin fell silent for a long time. Suddenly, he looked up, stared at Joseph with ferocious eyes, and said, “Yes! You have helped me a lot. Without you, I might be nothing! But! You are so outstanding that no matter how hard I try and how much effort I put in, no one in the world can even notice me! Because everything I have done was nothing compared to your


“So, that’s why I want you to be dead! I can only shine when you are dead! And the company is named after me then why don’t you just hand the company over to me! Why can’t you just die! Why!” “Back then, the Dawson family sent so many people to assassinate you. I did help you back then! That night, I almost got myself killed! My brothers even tried their best to give you time to escape. Do you admit it this!” Fu Junlin stared at Joseph. Joseph nodded with a complicated look and said, “Well, I admit that you did help me buy time for me to escape the Dawson family’s assassins!” Fu Junlin looked at Joseph with more ferocious eyes and said, “But both of us clearly knew that when out strength back then we were no match for the Dawson family. Do you admit this!” Joseph continued to nod. “Yes, I didn’t have the strength to resist the assassination of the Dawson family!” Fu Junlin’s face was extremely ferocious at this time. He shouted at Joseph, “Well, it’s good that you admit it. Back then if we retaliated, the entire Junlin Group would be destroyed! If that were to happen, I don’t know how many people would die because of you! So when we were escaping, I said that I’ll send you to the Outer Region and I’ll take over the Junlin Group. But what did you reply to that!” Joseph frowned. After a moment of silence, he nodded and said, “I didn’t agree at that time. I want to retaliate with the Dawson family and have a bloody battle with them…” Fu Junlin suddenly burst into a series of maniacal laughter. Then he stared at Joseph and said, “Yes you have a grudge with the Dawson family and you can sacrifice your all to fight the Dawson family but what about us? Have you thought about the brothers in Junlin Group? No, you didn’t! You can leave by yourself but you chose not to! You want all the employees in Junlin Group to die with you! Why? Why do we have to die with you!” Joseph’s eyes were cold. He looked at Fu Junlin and said with a sneer, “Oh, what a distorted truth. Back then did I tell you to die with me?” Joseph paused and continued, “I gave you all the money! Didn’t I tell you to leave?” Fu Junlin’s face froze, and his gaze was trembling as if he was struggling. But soon, he shrieked even more crazily, “Why! You founded the Junlin Group but we were all by your side from the very beginning! Why! No I’m not cannot just let go of Junlin Group! It was about to reach its peak and you tell us to abandon it! No! I can’t…” “Enough, you have said enough, you can die now. I’ll kill you personally…” Joseph interrupted Fu Junlin in a cold voice. The reason why he asked Fu Junlin for answers was to clear out the doubts he had in his heart for all these years. Now everything was clear and Fu Junlin had betrayed him because of the Junlin Group. In fact, Joseph had expected this reason. But he


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