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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 119

The Luna Alpha.
The beeping of the machines is slowly driving me crazy, each morning I come to see Fraction in the medical centre, normally during the shift change. The fewer people around that I have to speak to and the less. questions I have to answer. Six weeks I’ve been doing this dance and I’ ve had enough, today I’ve decided to come here to give my Alpha a piece of my mind.
“Alright, it’s time. You need to get out of this bed and come and deal with your Luna. If I have to walk in on her crying one more time I might actually start punching things, she’s talking about decorating the office in purple. Purple man, she’s actually asking my opinion on different shades of purple. You realise there are about a hundred of them?” I look down at Fraction but he doesn’t move a muscle, I start pacing the room, guess I need to bring out the big guns. “She’s pregnant, you know. You must have some super swimmers. One night. in the office and pup number two,” I run my hands over my face, I have the start of a beard it’s not a choice beard it’s more of a: I don’t have time to groom, kind of beard. “She hasn’t told any of us yet but I can see the changes in her b*dy. I don’t even think she’s seen Doctor Lee yet. I might have to force the issue.” I shake my head as I drop myself back into the blue plastic chair next to his bed. “Darryl took Simon and Tray to his Pack until the Elders have a chance to deal with them. Anna wanted them hung, drawn and quartered but that might have been the pup hormones. Anna is running the show with me guiding her as I promised,” I shake my head and look over at my sleeping Alpha. “You really need to wake up, she’s doing a great job but she needs you. Your Pack needs you.” I stare at him for a long time, I must zone out because I actually jump when the door is opened and Doctor
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Lee walks in.
“Morning Beta.” Doctor Lee says as he walks straight to the machine next to Fractions bed.
“Any change?” I ask him quietly, I know there isn’t but this is our morning dance. We both know it well by now.
“None yet, he’s improving well though. His lung is almost fully repaired and all of his scans came back negative.” I stand from the chair and start pacing again.
“Then why isn’t he waking up? Something must be wrong!” I can’t seem to stop the anger from bleeding into my voice.
“There are still things about the b*dy we don’t understand. I am confident that in time he will wake up,” Doctor Lee gives me a sad smile as he jots Fractions vitals on his chart before placing the clipboard in a holder at the end of his bed.
“I need you to see Anna, I’m pretty sure she’s pregnant but she seems to be avoiding the topic. She’s probably scared about doing this without. him.” I talk to Doctor Lee without taking my eyes off my Alpha. My hope is that he will hear one of our voices and follow it back to us.
“I’ll do a drop by the Packhouse in an hour, if the signs are that obvious I will be able to see them and I’ll take it from there.” I nod and pat Fraction’s hand before leaving the room. Once in the hall I see nurses have started their morning shift, three of them are at the desk opposite Fraction’s room and their eyes instantly turn to me.
Although a few people call out to me I don’t stop to talk to anyone as I make my way out of the medical centre. Once outside I take a huge deep breath, ever since Leon’s betrayal came to light I have found it so hard to be in there, it feels like I’m suffocating the longer I stay in there. Putting Leon to the back of my mind I quickly head to the back
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of the building, I usually walk home via the forest and that way I can check the boundary line as I do. It’s really peaceful out here and allows me some much needed thinking time, with Fraction down for now and Anna running things it means I have to do more work. I don’t mind but it means I have little down time. I haven’t even really thought about this whole ‘I have a fated mate’ thing Fraction told me about. I know I should be making plans to visit neighbouring Packs but how can I leave Anna alone at a time like this? My family needs me and I won’t be the as shole who abandons family.
The sounds of Thomas giggling up a storm tells me I’m home, walking out of the trees I see Winter in the grass with Thomas climbing all over her. I’m not sure Anna should be shifting while pregnant but I can’t say I know that much about pregnant Omegas either.
‘Any change?” Anna asks me over the Pack link, I just shake my head at her as I keep walking into the house. Sure I could sit down and go over all kinds of Pack stuff with her but why interrupt the time she has with Thomas, it’s so limited lately with her doing the job of two parents and being both Alpha and Luna. The Pack house is weirdly empty as I make my way toward Fraction’s office, Anna wants to start getting the kids over again but she also understands the Pack is grieving for the Alpha so she hasn’t enforced it yet. She’s giving herself and the Pack time to come to terms with the fact that their Alpha might not wake up.
Walking into the office I come to a stop when I see Patrick and Leon sitting in the chairs opposite Fraction’s desk. Anna wants me to bring one of her own in here, she says she doesn’t feel right sitting where sat.
“What’s he doing out?” I rub the back of my neck as I try to avoid Leon’ s eyes, once I’m more in the room I catch a scent of Leon’s blood and it makes every hair on my b*dy stand on end.”What happened?” I snap at Patrick.
The Luna Alpha
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“Tried to kill himself,” Patrick doesn’t sound all that concerned and doesn’t even look up from his phone as he speaks.
“You what?” I ask Leon in shock.
“I didnt try to kill myself. I cut myself on the rust bucket of a bed you gave me.” Leon glares at Patrick.
“No matter, Anna is on her way. She’s gonna be pi ss ed you cut her time short with Thomas.” Patrick pocketshis phone and looks at me, “any change?” I just shake my head as I go to lean against the wall next
to the door.
“I told you I don’t need to see her, let her be with her kid!” Leon is getting angry so I just glare at him, he’s halfway between sitting and standing but seems to change his mind before dropping himself back in the chair.
“Too late, I’m already here.” Anna comes strolling into the office in at simple blue wrap dress and bare feet. She closes the door behind her and smiles at me before walking over to the desk and sitting down. “Tell me what happened?” Patrick and Leon start talking at the same time so Anna holds her hand up, she points at Patrick and Leon sits back with an umph.
“Went down give him his lunch and there he was bleeding all over the place, lovely cut all the way down one wrist. It wasn’t deep so his wolf healed him.” Patrick explains to the Luna.
“Jesus, Leon. I’ve been trying to secure you another place at a Pack and now I find out your suicidal. No one wants a suicidal Doctor, Leon.” I stand up straight as Anna says this, I had no idea she was planning such a thing.
“You are? I swear it was an accident! I’m medical trained, if i wanted
The Luna Alpha
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to kill myself it wouldn’t fail, I know how to do it quickly and painlessly.” I have to admit Leon has a point, I can hear the hope in his voice. If Anna finds a Pack willing to take him then he won’t have to go rogue. Anna just sits and stares at him for a while nodding her head.
“Mac will be here in the morning for you and the kids, you’re going to Grey Pack to work under Darryl’s medical team.” I feel my breath leave me as Anna says this, “Leon, you need to be on your best behaviour. Your reputation is going to follow you there and they will be watching you, it’s taken every single string of influence I have to get you this place.”
“Why?” Leon asks in disbelief.
“He might not be awake but you helped save his life. This isn’t forgiveness Leon, it’s redemption.” With that Anna is done with the conversation, “take him back to the cells and let the kids know of the plan. Tell them they can have a sleepover with Thomas tonight.” Patrick just nods as he and Leon stand and walk from the office, Leon tries to catch my eye ashe walks out but I ignore him. It’s just too difficult, the pain is still too fresh, the wound too raw.
“You didn’t tell me any of this,” I say to Anna as Patrick closes the office door. I take a seat in the chair Patrick vacated.
“Would you have listened? You are crazy deaf when it comes to Leon.” I nod my head at her, she’s not wrong.
“Doctor Lee is on his way over,” Anna sits up straighter in her chair. “Not about Fraction, I’ve asked him to come and check you out.”
“Why?” Anna tilts her head to the side, she can’t really think I haven’t noticed.
“Come on Anna, you’re eating your weight in chocolate cake you throw up at the smell of fish and your ti ts are massive.” Anna squints her eyes.
at me.
“You spend much time staring at my t its?” I bark a laugh.
“You really going to pretend you’re not carrying pup number two?” Anna looks down at her hands and when she looks up her eyes are glassy.
“I wanted him to be the first to know,” I give her a sad smile. “We didn’t get to share the news of Thomas together so I wanted this to be for us. Please don’t tell anyone else.”
“I won’t but only if you get checked out. I don’t want him waking up and finding you unhealthy.” Anna nods her head just as a knock sounds on the door. “That will be him now, I’ll leave you to it.” I get up from the chair head to the door, looking back at Anna I give her a small smile as I open the door to see Doctor Lee looking very windswept.
“Will you people stop blocking your links, Alpha is awake!” Anna ist out of her chair and running for the door before Doctor Lee has even finished speaking. She pushes past us both so quickly Doctor Lee actually stumbles into me. “Yep, she’s pregnant alright.” He says as he stands up before running after her.


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