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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 122



Halloween has to be the worst time of year, for a solid week Thomas and Aurora have been all hopped up on candy. Just when I think I’ve got a handle on it Fraction is handing out more sugary goodness, I can tell you this; the world does not need a six year and a four year old on a sugar high

Hold still,I should a wriggling Thomas as I try to get the pumpkin stalk to balance on his head

I don’t want to be a pumpkin, Andre is going as a Gun Slinger!Nomad’s new favourite thing is to compare everything I do to his best friend Andre’s

And if Ander’s jumped off a bridge, would you?To my horror he actually stops and thinks, the answer is no Thomas.I hear a chuckle from behind me and see Fraction leaning against the door frame to Thomas’s room

And what are you meant to be?Fraction is wearing a pair of Levi’s that are riding so low on his hips I know he’s not wearing anything underneath and nothing else. His chiseled chest and broad shoulders. are on display for anyone and everyone to see

I’m an Alpha.Fraction declares spreading his arms wide

Why can’t I be an Alpha! I want to be an Alpha!Thomas starts squirming again as I try to pull the bottom of the pumpkin below hist little tushy


Thanks for that,I snap at Fraction, it only annoys me more as he smirks at me

Little man, hold still for you momma.Thankfully the father tone seems to do the trick and Thomas is finally dressed and ready for the cuting

Ok, be free.I give him a little push and he scatters the second I do, ast he runs past Fraction I don’t miss the candy bar he gets handed.. 

All his teeth are going to rot away,I tell Fraction once we are alone

You worry to much little momma.Fraction tells me as he walks into the room and pulls me into his chest. Now that I am close I can see some kind of oily substance on him, poking him with a finger I can feel a thin layer of grease al over him

Is this baby oil?I ask him while sniffing my finger

Adds to the costume.Fraction tells me as he k*sses the top of my head, you best get ready the kids are dying to get into the forest.” 

What costume? You’re wearing your everyday jeans.Fraction just laughs as he strolls out of the room leaving me alone surrounded by dinosaurs and toys

I grumble all the way to our bedroom, when I open the door I burst out laughing. I laugh so hard I have to grab hold of the doorframe to stop. myself from sliding to the floor

WhatI gasp for breath as I look at Eliza again, what the hell are you wearing?I actually snort as I take in her full b*dy cat costume. We aren’t talking S**y little kitten, this is a full on bright orange furry full b*dy costume

It was meant to be cute!Eliza stamps her fur covered foot and I just 



laugh harder, Rick is never going to let me live this down.I try to stop laughing but each time I look at her it starts up again. The damn thing is so bright it pretty much glows in the dark

Well at least we won’t lose you in the forest.Eliza tries to put her hands on her hips but her costume is so puffy she can’t actually make the move, my laughter increases

Please, let me know when you’re done laughing at my expense.” 

Sucking in a breath I try to look at her without laughing, I manage but I can’t seem to take the grin off my face

Why exactly did you pick this?I wave my hand up and down gesturing at her outfit

Rick got it, it’s sort of an inside joke. When he told me I figured it would be a S**y kitty not this polyester monstrosity. What’s your costume?I walk over to the cupboard but part of me doesn’t want to take it out, I know it’s going to make her feel bad

A witch, nothing bad.Eliza narrows her eyes at me

If you pull out a S**y witch costume I’m actually going to murder you,I put a hand over my heart feigning shock

You would kill your Luna?Eliza just stares at me, I swear if looks could turn a person to stone I would be a statue around now

Show me.” Pulling my shirt over my head I drop it on the floor and go to open the garment bag holding my costume

Goddess,I poke my head around the door and look at Eliza with a raised eyebrow. Remind me to take you shopping, mom bras are not S**y.I look down at my plain white bra, sure it’s a little on the full cup side but Fraction never complains




I don’t let her know I heard her comment, instead I focus on getting. dressed. The damn costume is more elaborate than I thought, I manage to get the garter belt, stockings and skirt on but I start to struggle when I get to the corset

Help me?I plead with Eliza

Fine but you’re going to have to come and unzip me so I can use my hands,stepping from around the door I watch Eliza look me up and down. She doesn’t say anything although I can see the annoyance all over her face. Patrick really messed up this one, turn around.I tell her as I drop the corset on the bed. Once Eliza’s hands are free she picks up the corset and undoes the ties until it’s laying flat

Ok the mom bra needs to go,the bra is front fastening which seems to amuse Eliza as she giggles when I take it off. Ok turn around and arms up.I do as Eliza tells me, and put my arms down when she’s covered my front with the lacey bodice. I don’t know why you even bother with a bra, those things are perky enough to stay up on their own.” 


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