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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 128

Shattered glass


A little help?I call out as I open the front door, the house ist surprisingly silent. Normally people are coming and going and there is often a pup or three running around getting underfoot. I hitch my shopping bags up and waddle into the kitchen, as soon as I see Zoe the lack of people makes sense. Fraction must have needed to do something for him to call in the babysitter

Did he have to go out?I ask Zoe, she jerks her head up from her textbooks spread across the kitchen table. She looks shocked that I’m standing in front of her, she must have been really absorbed in her book

Sorry Luna..I must have zoned out, yeah Alpha went out about an hour ago. I just put Aurora down for the night and Ander’s mum called and asked if Thomas could stay there,I nod my head as I look at my mountain of bags

Did Fraction say when he would be back?Zoe just shakes her head as she starts to put her books back in her bags. Damn it, any idea where I can hide all of this?Zoe just laughs at me as she gets up from. the table and pops her bag on her shoulder

Good luck,she calls as she walks past me

I’ll get Fraction to put the money in your account.It’s how we normally pay her for her service, even at sixteen she should be paid for her work

Luna, I don’tI hold my hand up and end her normal tirade



Shattered glass 

Go home Zoe and good luck on your paper.Zoe just smiles and heads out of the Packhouse

Zoe is a rare one, Patrick found her in a rogue nest about two years ago, she was just there with no one else around her. When we asked her where her family was she said they had died, I pleaded with Fraction to take pity on her and now she’s our most reliable babysitter. Gathering my bags up I head up to the bedroom so I can try to find. somewhere to hide the shopping bags, Eliza talked me into spending way more than I wanted

Once the bags are securely in my cupboard I quickly nip next door to check on Aurora. This was James’s room but he moved to the warrior floor when she was born, he said it wasn’t right to make the pups share. I have to agree that it is nice having my family all on one landing

Sleeping soundly?Closing the door I see Fraction leaning against the wall with a smirk on his face

What’s so funny?I narrow my eyes at him and cross my arms, the smirk on his face has the hairs on the back of my neck standing on end

I like your attempt at hiding these.Fraction holds up his hand and there dangling from his first finger is a pale purple laçe French cut panties. I got them because the colour looks great against my pale skin. and the lace as a flower pattern that has a really cute peekaboo effect. I go to grab the panties but he just holds them above his head out of my reach

I didn’t even hear you come in,I whisper yell at him as I jump to get the panties

You’re oddly obvious when you’re around the pups, the cupboard was foot a bad hiding spot. I found these in like three seconds.I stamp my slightly and then turn and start walking down the stairs, if this keeps going we will wake Aurora and I really don’t want to be up all night

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Shattered glass

How did you know anyway?I ask as we walk into the kitchen, I mean I did hide them as soon as I got home so unless Eliza spilled the details I’m unsure how he could have known I bought anything

There is this genius thing where banks text you as you spend. Turns out I spent a lot more than normal today,I stop as I lean up to get a glass for some water and drop my head a little

I’ll take them all back, Eliza made me buy a lot of them anyway.I turn around to see him holding the panties up between his two hands. and he’s looking at them like he’s imagining how I look in them

Nope.Fraction says, he pops the pas he smiles at me

Three things happen all at once; Fractions smile falls, I hear glass shattering and then I’m on the floor with a searing pain in my shoulder. I try to get up but the weight of Fraction is keeping me down, I look at him to see his eyes slightly glazed before he looks down at me

Stay down, little wolf. The warriors are doing a sweep,he cups both of my shoulders but something is wrong with my left one and I cry out. as soon as he makes contact with it. I see Fraction bring his hand up in front of me and it’s covered in blood. Shit, you got hit.Fraction. growls as his eyes glaze over again

Got hit?I’m so confused about what’s happened

Shush, stay quiet.Fraction just lays there on top of me as we stay still on the kitchen floor surrounded by glass

Aurora!I say in panic as I try to scramble up from the floor, Fraction puts a hand on my stomach to keep me in place

Two warriors are already outside of her door, no one is getting to her. Now stay still before you lose more blood,I lean my head back on the floor for a second before remembering there is glass everywhere



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