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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 163

Cleaning House.
‘Go and get Mrs Jacobs and bring her to the office.’ I tell Rick over the Pack link before switching to James.
‘Come to the office, something is happening.’ I quickly tell James. Standing from the desk I walk through the office, I can feel Anna’s eyes on me but I don’t tell her what I’m planning. I need Elder Thomas to agree first. Opening the office door I see the warrior standing guard at the end of the hall.
“Sam?” The young man turns around and I see it is Sam, “go and find Elder Thomas and tell him to come here now.” Sam doesn’t answer, he just quickly runs along the hall and up the stairs like the dutiful
“What are you doing?” Anna asks me as I close the office door, I quickly walk back over to my desk chair and sit down.
“Rick is going to get Mrs Jacobs now and James is on his way down with Elder Thomas. If you don’t want her dead I want her out of the way, away from anyone else she can hurt.” Anna smiles at me, I get the impression she’s happy I’m not about to take another life. I have to admit that killing an old lady is not high on my list of things to do.
“You’re going to send her away with Elder Thomas aren’t you?” Anna asks me, understanding what I’m planning.
“She knows about The Shalamayne, enough that she was able to call them. Maybe Elder Thomas can use her to get more information on them, to help other Packs.” A knock at the door tells me at least one of
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our guests is here, “Enter.” James and Elder Thomas walk into the room, James is still in his sleep clothes and Elder Thomas looks like he is about to head out.
“You wanted us?” James asks, rubbing a hand along the back of his neck.
“Mrs Jacobs is the person who called The Shalamayne.” Elder Thomas doesn’t look shocked but James curses before dropping into the last
vacant seat.
“That ba tty old lady?” I nod at James before looking at Elder Thomas.
“I thought maybe you and the Elders could use her to get more information? Save me killing an elderly woman?” Elder Thomas doesn’t even pause; he just nods his head.
“It could definitely give us an insight, she had enough information to be able to call them so she must know something.” I’m glad he agreed because I didn’t have a second plan.
“So what?” Anna asks, looking from her grandfather and then to me, “you just keep her locked up until she dies?”
“What else do you suggest?” I don’t get to hear her answer as another knock sounds on the door, “enter.” I shout for the second time.
The door opens to reveal Rick dressed in jeans and a button down shirt, next to him is a grey haired old lady, she’s wearing a knee length skirt and a soft looking chequered wrap around her top half. Her glasses are perched on the edge of her nose, the second she sees James she looks like she just stepped in something very unpleasant.
“Elizabeth.” I say as Rick closes the door.
“Well, I never. It’s Mrs Jacobs to you, have some respect for your
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elders.” I press my lips together to stop myself laughing, this tiny woman shouting at me about respect is kind of funny.
“Do you know why you’re here?” I ask her as she looks at the people sitting quietly in the room.
“Of course I don’t, your goon came and dragged me from my home. The sun is not even up yet, a woman of my age has a certain routine to be followed.” Mrs Jacobs actually sounds really annoyed that we have disturbed her morning.
“She was loading a suitcase into her car when I got there.” Rick says while leaning against the closed door.
“Is leaving on vacation a crime?” She asks in a shrill voice.
“Only if you don’t tell your Alpha before hand.” James says from his spot in the chair, I notice he doesn’t look at Mrs Jacobs and his jaw seems tight like he’s trying to bite back what he really wants to say.
“I didn’t ask you,” Mrs Jacobs spits at him. I slam my hands on the desk at the same time James jumps to his feet.
“Enough! James, sit down.” I wait for James to decide to sit down before I continue, “you are here because you called The Shalamayne on the Pack. You are the reason they came here and everything that has happened since.”
For a while no one says anything and Mrs Jacobs just holds my eyes before she throws her hands in the air.
“Well, it took you long enough. What gave me away?” I wave the certificate and her eyes narrow, “really? That old thing. Wow, I could have sworn when I knocked over your pup or sent my Faye after you that would be it but not some paper forgotten by time.”
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“Wait, you ran over Thomas?” I’m out of my chair and grabbing Anna round the waist in the blink of an eye. Anna moved so quickly she actually almost had Mrs Jacobs in her hands. “Why would you do that?” Anna screams.
“This was never meant to be your Pack.” Mrs Jacobs spits at Anna, suddenly she looks much younger than she did a second ago. “This Pack was always meant to be my husbands, handed down to my son. It was our Legacy not some filthy Omega’s who dilutes the blood line.”
“I think we’ve heard enough.” Rick says, grabbing Mrs Jacobs by the
“Get off me.” She shakes his hand off and points her finger at Anna, “you think they are done? That this is over?” She laughs wildly as James and Rick crowd around her, anyone else would be frightened by now but not this woman. “They might be done with you for now but they have their eyes on the American Pack’s. No one is safe, you will all learn the price of deals made.” I nod at Elder Thomas and Rick and they both move in taking an arm each.
“Elizabeth Jacobs, you are hereby remanded to the custody of the Elder Council. There you will stay until the day of your death,” Elder Thomas says loudly over her shrieking.
“You can’t do this!” She screams as Rick and Elder Thomas drag her from the office, “this is my Pack, our Pack! You can’t just take it from us.”
Once we can no longer hear her screaming James drops himself back in the chair as Anna loses the strength in her legs and crumbles to the floor. I follow her down cradling her head against my chest, I slowly rock back and forth while brushing at her hair.
“It was all her. She did all of this,” Anna so bs against my chest, I have
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no words of comfort to give her so I just keep stroking her hair making shushing sounds.


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