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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 197

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 30.
I cringe as the bed unfolds with a massive bang, it thuds off the floor vibrating across the room, my eyes shoot to Eva and see she’s awake.
“Sorry Angel, I didn’t think it would be so heavy.” Eva rolls onto her side, bringing the cover with her, she watches me with sleepy eyes.
“What is it?” I chuckle as I let the piece drop that I’m holding, once it’s laid flat you can clearly see it’s a fold out camping bed. Not the greatest but the best I could do with overnight shipping.
“Sleeping in that chair is starting to hurt my back.” I smile over at Eva as I make quick work of adding sheets, a comforter and pillow to the folded out bed. I already changed into my sleep pants after I said good night to Darryl, so I slide myself into the bed and lean on one of my hands so my elbow is supporting my weight.
“I can sleep on that bed if you want yours back,” She’s already pulling the covers back as I shake my head and reach up to flick off the bedside lamp.
“Sleep Angel, the first shift is always the worst and you will feel drained for days. I’ll be here for the rest of the night,” with the lamp off the room is plunged into darkness which is exactly how I like to sleep. Normally I sleep on my back but tonight I find myself on my side and watching the outline of Eva just slightly above me.
“Are you asleep?” Eva’s small voice has my eyes opening after it feels. like they just closed.
“Mmmm” the confirming sound is all I can manage as I try to pull myself from sleep.
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 30.
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“I dreamed of my wolf,” he tone hasn’t changed but suddenly I’m wide awake and staring at the darkness above me. It’s rare for a shifter to have dreams of their wolves and the only ones lever heard of doing it are Omegas. They have a special connection to their wolf that regular shifters don’t have, it’s unique to them and all can do it.
“What did she have to say?” From what I’ve learned on my travels, Omega’s only dream of their wolf in times of high stress or danger.
“She told me you were my mate,” the way she pauses makes me think she said more but I figure she will tell me if she wants to.
“She did? And how do you feel about that?” I want to jump for joy that she knows but I also know it won’t mean the same to her as it does me. I was brought up knowing I would one day meet my mate and that she would be everything me and my wolf need or want. Eva grew up believing shifters are dirty, dangerous and evil things, she wont have been told about mates or how they are connected.
“I don’t know, I know Anna is Fraction’s mate and I saw how they were together but otherwise I don’t really have anything to go on.” I nod my head in the dark, it’s as I thought, she’s as clueless as a new pup.
“I could have Selena come and talk to you about it if you like? I know when a shifter goes to school they split the males and females to do the mate talk. I’m not actually sure what they tell the females.” I hear the rustling of covers and Eva sighing, looking over the bed I can see she’s moved from her back onto her side.
“When you sent Selena to watch me did you tell her to be my friend?” I understand why she’s asking the question, Selena is most likely the only friend she had and she thinks I paid for that friendship.
‘Tell her the truth, don’t take this from her.’ I didn’t need Storm to tell me that, I know how important it is for a female to have friends, her Omega side will start to crave companionship soon.
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His Rogue Omega: Chapter 30.
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“I didn’t tell her to be your friend.” I roll to my side and slide my hand under the pillow so I can support my head, I wish I could see Eva’s face but I don’t want to break the quiet mood we have going on. “When I first heard of a rogue in Midsey I sent Rowan to check it out, he found out it was a female working at the strip club by night and the diner by day. He was confused as to why a shifter would be with a human so Selena suggested she take some shifts at the strip club to get to know the female.” I chuckle a little as I remember Roman’s reaction to that suggestion, “after a few colourful words from Rowan, she conceded to the Diner.”
“So she was just meant to get to know me, to see if I was dangerous I presume?” I find it funny that she doesn’t question us watching her just that Selena ended up being her friend, almost like she can’t comprehend someone wanting to be her friend.
“It was after her first shift that I realised you were the female rogue, I smelled you on her, it almost knocked me off my feet. It took everything in me not to run to you.” I close my eyes as I breath in her scent, it so much better breathing it in now than off Selena’s uniform.
“Why didn’t you?” I can hear the tiredness in her voice, I’m enjoying the openness though, I don’t want her to go back to sleep just yet.
“She was worried about you, she said you seemed scared of your own shadow and that you needed protecting. From that day Selena took it upon herself to go back to the Diner each morning, she wasn’t your friend because I paid her. She was your friend because she thought you needed one.” I hear her sniffle and find myself wondering if she’s crying, I didn’t mean to upset her. “Are you crying, Angel?”
“I’ve been so mean to her Cas, I thought she was just pretending but she actually is my friend. Do you think I can see her in the morning?” I lean up and reach my hand over to the bed, it takes me a second but I soon find her hand, I manage to squeeze it before she pulls away from
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 30.
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me. “I’m tired.”
“Go to sleep, Angel. I’ll make sure Selena is here for breakfast,” I hear her yawn as she rolls over and drags the covers up and over her.
“You always call me Angel.” She mutters sleepily just before her soft snores tell me she’s drifted off.
“That’s because the Goddess sent you just for me.” I whisper into the darkness, I lay there and listen to her drift into a deeper and deeper sleep.
‘Go up there and hold her’ I smile as I settle onto my back and pull my own covers up my chest.
‘Sure, should I just rut against her leg as well?” Storm growls at me as I chuckle low in my chest.
‘If you think that’s how it’s done then maybe I should be in charge of the mating.’ I close my eyes as Storm continues to growl.
‘I know how to f uck,’ Storm has been with me each time I’ve had a female, I might have known my mate was out there somewhere but I didn’t live as a monk. I tried to bed a female after I met Eva but Storm got so aggressive I had to send her away, he wouldn’t allow it.
‘I didn’t say f uck, st upid human. Mating is more than f ucking and I don’t have time to educate you. This Omega of ours is going to run soon, I can smell it.’ I open my eyes and look over at Eva’s sleeping form, if she runs I know I will follow her, I’m too connected this time.
‘She won’t run.’ I try to sound sure but I can hear the worry in my own
‘She will but we will chase her, to the end of the world if we have to.
His Rogue Omega Chapter 30
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worry I have a good scent of her wolf.’ It doesn’t surprise me that Storm has been dancing around her wolf already.
‘What’s her name?’ Being fated our wolves can connect without us being in our wolf forms so I know he’s already met Eva’s wolf.
‘Ghost.’ I smile as I feel sleep creeping up on me. I find it really interesting that a girl who has always lived in someone else’s shadow has a Ghost for a wolf.


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