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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 205

His Rogue Omega: Chapter 38.
★ Eva s
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“Where are we going?” Cas just winks at me and keeps pulling me through the garden towards trees behind the cell building. “I’m not dressed Cas.”
“You don’t need clothes for this, if I remember right didn’t I promise Ghost a run with Storm?” I feel Ghost start to get excited as Cas stops and pulls his shirt over his head, with his back to me I see his broad shoulders for the first time. Seeing the single tattoo on his left shoulder blade I can’t help but reach out to run my fingers over it.
“What’s it stand for?” It’s just a small design, the outline of a six pointed star with a black circle in the middle.
“It’s for each Alpha who taught me something and the one I never want to be like.” I can’t help but feel a little sad at that, his need to not be like his father goes so deep he had to imprint it onto his skin. With my palm flat on his back I feel his muscles start to ripple as he lets his wolf take over, I take a step back to allow him a chance to change. Just as his amazing pale white as s comes into view his slate grey wolf is standing before me and stretching while licking his lips.
“Hi.” I hold my hand out, I can’t seem to stop it from shaking and Storm seems to be able to sense my nerves. For a second he holds himself still before slowly taking a step towards me, I think he’s going to sniff my hand but instead his long tongue
comes out and he licks from my fingertips all the way up to my wrist. shake out my hand to get rid of his drool, Storm must think this is funny because he yips before walking towards me and pushing his
“Oh ew!” I grimace as I
entire body against my legs. He starts with his nose and keeps going until every part of his body is twisting around me. I can feel his strong back muscles pushing at my as s as his tail works its way around my thighs. I take this to mean hello, much the same way Ghost greeted Cas that day in the drive.
“Are you going to be a gentleman and turn around so I can try this shifting thing?” Storm just walks away from me a little and lays down in the grass, he puts a paw over his eyes but I see one of them still peeking out. “Hey, no peeking!” Storm huffs before sitting up and turning his back to me.
Glancing around I don’t see anybody and thanks to the cell block and trees I don’t think anyone can see me, so I quickly rid myself of my clothes and close my eyes. It’s harder than I thought to try and bring Ghost to the surface, normally she’s there chatting away but now she seems to be hiding, almost like she’s shy.
‘Come on. I thought you wanted to run with Storm?’ I can feel her in the back of my mind, so I know she’s there.
‘What if I’m bad at it?’ I can’t believe what I’m hearing, only I could get a wolf with self esteem issues.”
“Then we keep running until we have outrun your shame, come on I really want to try this too. I barely remember the first time,’ it’s true actually. My first shift is kind of a blur and keeps coming back to me in parts. Just as I’m about to give up and tell Storm it’s a no go I feel something pushing at my skin, it’s like an itch I can’t quite reach but done deep. I can feel Ghost stronger than I have ever felt her before I am suddenly wretched backwards and I’m looking at my own pure white paws.
‘We did it.’ Ghost actually surprised, ‘sit back and watch this Eva, keep your eyes open.’ I just smile as Ghost stretches before
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 38
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turning around to see Storm’s back, ever the gentleman he’s still looking at the trees unaware Ghost has taken over. I feel Ghost’s laughter a split second before she pounces on Storm’s back, she pulls on his car with her teeth but I don’t feel her break the skin. The two wolves roll around in the grass, tumbling over each other and taking playful nips here and there. I’m laughing so much my belly hurts, I’ve never felt this free before, it’s like someone has taken all my stress and worry and left them back in my human form. After a while Storm holds himself above Ghost, pinned to the ground. I would expect Ghost to feel panicked but instead she just leans her head back displaying her throat to Storm.
‘What are you doing?’ I ask her confused as Strom leans down and sniffs at her throat for a long time.
‘Got to give him something if we aren’t giving up the goods, trust me, this will keep him happy for a while. Let him scent mark us and we will smell like him for weeks.’ I don’t understand her logic but it’s not like I can do anything about it in this form and flat on our back.
After what feels like an age, Storm steps back and trips before running off into the trees, he doesn’t get far before he stops to look back.
‘I hate running.’ I roll my eyes at Ghost as she rolls herself back onto all fours and starts running after Storm, as soon as we get close he darts off to the left and runs ahead a little before stopping again.
‘I think he wants us to chase him.’ I laugh as Ghost growls before again. chasing after the massive slate grey wolf. They seem to play like this for about an hour, never going too far into the trees but still away from any prying eyes.
‘I’m done, that man has some insane stamina.’ I just laugh as Ghost flops herself onto the muddy leafing ground and starts to clean her
is Rogue Omega Chapter 38
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Aww come on, he’s having fun.’ Ghost just growls at me as I watch Storm disappear into a bush only too pounce back out, he looks like a big kid running around with his tongue hanging out of his mouth and his tail swinging back and forth. He’s clearly having the time of his life just running around in the trees. I bet it’s not often an Alpha gets to just goof off.
‘Well you can have fun with him then.’ Before I can say anything, Ghost is pulling me forward and I’m sitting in the dirt under the trees. completely naked.
“G od da mn it!” I grab some leaves and slam them into the ground in irritation before crossing my legs and covering my breasts. I look over at Storm and see him sitting on his hind legs watching me, something drips from his tongue that looks an awful lot like drooling. “That better not be drool, how about you be a nice Alpha and go get my clothes?” Storm just tilts his head to the side before shaking his head no. “What do you mean no? I’m naked, please get me my clothes.” Again he just shakes his head no before nodding back towards the house. I go to cross my arms over my chest but then remember I’m naked so I settle for a resting bit ch face instead.
Just as I’m about to give up on the staring contest with the massive grey wolf I want to kick. I hear the crunching of leaves and twigs behind me.
“Who’s there?” My eyes are wide but Storm doesn’t seem concerned so I don’t think I should be.
“It’s Rowan, don’t worry Eva I’m not coming any closer. I’m just leaving your clothes here so Storm can bring them to you.” Storm gets up and walks behind me, I feel his nose on the back of my head and he gives a little shove, a clear indication that I’m to stay where I am. “He didn’t want to leave you alone while he came to get them and Cast
His Rogue Omega: Chapter 38
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thought you might panic if he shifted as well.” I sigh in relief as I realise while staring at me, Cas was actually resolving my little predicament. “Alright Eva, Storm is coming back with your clothes, I’ m leaving now.” I don’t hear anything as he walks away which makes me think he was making noise just so I would hear him as he approached.
Storm walks up behind me and drops my t-shirt and shorts on my head before bouncing away, his little yips tells me he’s back in a playful mood.
“Oh, what a funny Alpha you are. Bring a first time wolf out into the woods and leave her naked sitting in the mud.” I grumble loudly as I pull on the clothes, it isn’t until I turn back to Storm that I realise there is a problem. Gone is the fun Storm, his hackles are up and his whole body is rigid, his once swooshing tail is now cutting through the air in low sharp strikes. If that wasn’t enough to tell me something was. wrong then the reappearance of Rowan does.
“Come over here Eva, right now. Slowly.” I take my steps carefully and as quietly as I can, as soon as I’m standing next to Rowan, Storm goes dashing into the trees right behind where I was sitting.
“What is it?” I ask Rowan as I lose sight of Storm.
“A rogue, can’t you smell it?” I sniff but I can smell anything that shouldn’t be here, “come on. Let me get you back to the Pack house. and then I can come and help Storm hunt.” All the way back to the Pack house I keep looking behind me for signs of Storm or Cas but neither one appears.


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