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The Stained Omega by Elle T Jefferson novel Chapter 41

Comfort and Beanbags 


What about Fred?Fraction says as he settles into his desk chair

TooHarry Potter I reply, trying to put the sofa cushions to a comfortable position. What about Theo?” 

Too much like Leo. I love my wolf, but I don’t want to name my kid after him.I give a little mhmm in agreement, these dang cushions are awful. Little wolf, what are you doing to that sofa?I stand back to admire my handy work. The sofa used to have six cushions on it, three on the base and three as back support, now it has three. Two on the base stacked on top of each other and one for back support. The rest of the sofa is just the frame

I’m trying to get comfortable I tell Fraction while trying to make an ass print in the cushion pile. It’s no good. You need a new sofaI jump up again and start rearranging the cushions, maybe one of those giant bean bags instead.” 

You want my men to sit on a giant bean bag?He’s mocking me. I can hear the laughter in his voice

They wouldn’t dare sit in my beanbag.He barks a laugh as we hear a knock on the door

Enter!Fraction barks out, I watch as James pokes his head round the door. I chuckle as it’s quite comical, he’s clearly checking if it’s safe to come in

Sorry, I didn’t want to just walk in when I saw you and Luna come in alone.I laugh harder as he walks into the room

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James, call me Anna or I will be forced to tell Fraction what happened in the basement.I turned to Fraction and winked, letting him know I’d tell him later anyway

As you wish, erm, where can I sit?as he says this, I realise I have taken all the cushions off the sofa and now it’s just a frame. I throw my hands up in the air and start putting the cushions back

Anna, is in the middle of destroying the sofa, she said I have to get her a giant bean bag.Fraction says texting on his phone. James helps me put the cushions back and he sits down, I do a sort of lean and squat and then give up. Comfort is not on my side today


I can order one of them, but I’ll also bring an armchair in for us, I’ll never get back out of a bean bag.I’m clapping my hands and heading over to James to give him a hug and k*ss on the check when I hear, don’t you dare k*ss him!me and James both turn to look at Fraction with wide eyes. I’m more in shock because that wasn’t Fractionsvoice it was Leo

Alpha?James says, he’s got his hands up as if showing he’s not touching me. Fraction gives a cough and has the good manners to look a little embarrassed

Sorry, I don’t know where that came from,he motions to me with his hands, come sit with me little wolf.I do as he asks and take a seat on his lap facing James. Did you need something James“?” 

Ermyes sorry. Rick asked me to let you know he’s taken Eliza up to the cabin by the lake for a few days and that if you need him, he’s just a mind link away.Fraction nods, looks like im here for the daily catch up, James has his notepad out and seems to be going down a list. Momma Beth wants a date for the Luna Ceremony she said and I quote. Preferably before the Alpha Heir has been born and has a Luna of his own I let out a laugh at that at the same time Fraction sighs


I’ve given Lily and Colin a pack credit card and told them to get the coffee shop fixed on us, I told them you wouldn’t argue about an upgraded coffee machine. Alpha Darryl called while you were at the medical practice and asked that you call him back as soon as you have. a free minute.James flips his notepad out and holds a pen at the ready

Tell mother she can set it up for a week today and Anna can help her plan it.Guess I have a job, no idea what to do for a Luna Ceremony though, tell Lily and Colin they are also invited to a daily meal here at the packhouse, talk to my mother about a good date for that. And order a giant bean bag in here and one for our bedroom.James finishes. scribbling and stands

Perfect, shout if I’m needed.With that James leaves the office

I turn to Fraction as he goes to pick up the phone, since when am I included in the pack daily lowdown?” 

Since I want you with me all the time.Fraction says dialling a phone. number. I go to get up, but he holds me in place with the hand that isn’t holding the phone

Lucy it’s Alpha Fraction,he says into the phone. I’m sat close enough that I can hear Lucy speaking

Alpha Fraction, you have just missed Darryl and Lewis. They are already on route to you.Lucy replies, I’m not sure who Lucy is, I didn’t think the Grey pack had Luna

Coming here?” 

Yes Alpha, they should be there by 10am tomorrow morning.Lewis 


Do you know what it’s regarding?” 

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I don’t sorry, I just know it was urgent enough for him to run out of here barking orders.” 

Alright, thank you Lucy.Fraction hangs up the phone 

Who’s Lucy?I ask, I try not to sound all jealous, but I don’t think it worked. Fraction smiles and turns me to face him

Lucy is Darryl’s Beta.” 

Grey Pack has a female Beta?I sound shocked because I am, I’ve never heard of a female Beta

Yeah, she’s the only one I’ve ever met but the woman holds her own. She’s proven she owns the title many times over.I’m impressed. I think me, and you should call it a night, apparently we have guests. coming tomorrow.He pats me on the ass as I stand and start to walk for the office door, when I turn back, I notice he has a blank look on his face. I’m guessing he’s telling James about tomorrow. When he gets up, I open the door and head for our room



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