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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 101

Chapter 101 

The person that Gavin was beating up as, of course. Scott Hoin 

Of course, only Gavin and Frostpeak Dark Warmers Team D’s tem 

As for the others, they all thought that Scott had been killed by Grom before the Holman tame was red 

However, Gavin would not let Scott off so easily. Moreover 

sout to die, he could eely the 

To be honest, if Kris did not freak out because of his question yesterday. Gavin might have brought Kris to kill Soon dry 

However, Kris fell into a halfcrazy state again due to her conditioned reiße 

In order to stabilize her emotions, Gavin decided not to let Kris see Scott for the time being 

Otherwise, if there were any more conditioned reflexes, the damage to Kris mind might be even more serious 

However, this did not stop Gavin from dragging Scott out of the basement of the ruins of the Clifford tame and beaning him up to vent his anger

Anyway, after Scott died, Gavin still had a way to pull Scott back from the gates of hell 

Scott’s tongue had already been cut off by Frostpeak Durk Warriors 

The current Scott could not say a word. He could only let out an unpleasant and painful scream 

Scott’s appearance and situation were indeed very miserable 

However, he had tortured Kris into such a state. This Scott deserved it 

Facing Scott, who was flying up and down and screaming nonstop, the surrounding members of Prospeak Dark Warriors Team D. who were busy rebuilding the villa of the Clifford family, acted as if they did not bear anything and continued to work 

On the other hand, after Gavin sent Scott flying for the umpteenth time, the ringtone in his pocket temporary cased Sess શ્રી પંચમ 


Gavin waved his right fist slightly and took out his phone from his pocket

The caller ID read Twiggy

This was a call from Robert Jordan to Gavin

Clearly, Robert seemed to have made some progress with the investigation mission that Gavin had assignsest to him 

Gavin also picked up the call

After the call was connected, Robert’s voice quickly came from the other side

Master. I’m not disturbing you now, right?” 

Gavin looked at Scott, who was like a dead dog, and said indifferently. Speak” 

What he meant was for Robert to speak quickly 

Robert received Gavin’s instructions and immediately said. Master, there’s alre 

asked me to do” 

Robert did not wait for Gavin to ask. He directly told Cavin the results of his investigations 


my the 

Master. Before the Clifford family was exterminated, how many descendants of aristocratic families came to Brookspring? I didn’t find out about this. It seems that someone deliberately erased the traces of these people coming to Brookspring. However!” 

If there were no buts, Robert would never call Gavin

However, I’ve found out who the descendants of the aristocratic families who left Brookspring within a week after the Clifford family was exterminated!” 

Upon hearing this, Gavin raised his eyebrows slightly, and a glint appeared in his eyes

He didn’t know who came, but the people who left knew why they left the time node after the Clifford family was destroyed

Wouldn’t this tell Gavin that they had completed something in Brookspring, so there was no need for them to stay in Brookspring

Could this matter be the destruction of the Clifford family

“What about the name list?Gavin asked

On the other side, Robert quickly said, Master, because the number of people on this list is too large, I’ve sorted out a document. It will be sent to your email in a while.” 

YesGavin nodded slightly

However, he was also a little surprised

Were there really too many people

How many forces and powerful families had Brookspring gathered at that time

How many people had attacked the Clifford family

Before Robert could finish his sentence, his voice sounded a little awkward

Master, regarding that dark golden Thorned Flower pattern, please forgive me. I am incompetent. Until now, there has 

been no news.” 

When Gavin heard Robert’s words, he seemed to have already expected this to happen

He said indifferently. “It’s okay. You’ve already done a good job

Thank you, Master!” 

On the other end of the line, Robert was very excited. Although he said Thank you, who could see it over the phone

However, Gavin was very sure that Robert was kneeling on one knee no matter where he was

This was the respect that Robert had for him from the bottom of his heart

Therefore, Gavin also said indifferently. Alright, get up and continue doing your own things.” 

Yes! Order accepted 

On the other side, Robert hung up respectfully

Gavin had already opened his email with his phone. Coincidentally, a new email appeared in Gavin’s email 

Just as Gavin was about to open the name list to see how many people there were, the members of Frostpeak Dark Warriors 

Team D who were working suddenly stopped what they were doing and looked in Gavin’s direction 

Gavin also paused for a moment and put away his phone

At this moment, the team leader of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D, Harry, had already flashed to Cavin’s side and whispered, Dark Lord, I sensed the auras of supreme warriors. There’s more than one. One of the auras has even reached the peak of the supreme rank!” 

It was the peak of the supreme rank

However, when Harry said this, his tone was calm. He was not surprised at all, let alone panicked

One had to know that the number of supreme warriors that had died at the hands of Frostpeak Dark Warriors was already innumerable

However, they were a little surprised that a peak supreme warrior could actually appear in this place

Just as Harry finished speaking, a roar instantly sounded from the distant forest


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