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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 

At this moment, the head of the Brookspring Warrior Surveillance Bureau had already stepped forward

Now, he was filled with confidence

Because the person standing behind him was the lord of the Southeast Martial Order, a peak supreme warrior

All the fierce warriors who did not belong to the Warrior Surveillance Bureau were strong warriors from the Southeast Martial Order

Each one of them possessed formidable strength. Even if he were to face just one of these groups, he would feel a sense of trepidation

With such assistance, even if there were a peak supreme warrior standing behind Gavin, Gavin absolutely had no chance of survival

Indeed, at this critical point, the head of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau no longer believed that Gavin himself possessed strength surpassing that of a peak supreme warrior

At this moment, he revealed a proud expression, gazing at Gavin from a distance, and sternly shouted

Gavin! Kneel down!” 

Well, this fellow directly commanded Gavin to kneel down

Ten years ago, there had never been anyone in this world who dared to speak to Gavin in such a manner

However, this person dared to be so rude to Gavin

The members of the Frostpeak Dark Warriors behind Gavin all showed murderous intent. They took a step forward with clenched fists

It was as if they were waiting for Gavin’s command to charge out and annihilate all these warriors scattered across the 


Gavin lightly raised his eyebrows and looked at the head of the Brookspring Warrior Surveillance Bureau

He then inquired, Who are you in the Warrior Surveillance Bureau? Are you the new vicecaptain or perhaps the captain?” 

Upon hearing Gavin’s question, the head of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau on this side remained silent. Suddenly, someone from the sidelines immediately stepped forward and loudly exclaimed to Gavin

Gavin, the person standing in front of you is Mr. Brown, the head of our Brookspring Warrior Surveillance Bureau, the mighty Wilson Brown

As a warrior, how could you not kneel before the head of Warrior Surveillance Bureau? Are you seeking death?” 

Why must warriors kneel before the head of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau

When did this new rule appear

Gavin had never heard of this before

At this moment, Gavin completely ignored the arrogant underling and instead looked at the head of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau, Wilson

He calmly asked, Is it that none of the members of the Brookspring Warrior Surveillance Bureau here intend to live?“ 

The implication of Gavin’s words was that he did not regard the Warrior Surveillance Bureau with any significance at ali

Furthermore, he even seemed to be planning to kill all the members of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau here

Upon hearing Gavin’s arrogant words, Wilson, the head of the Brookspring Warrior Surveillance Bureau, instantly became


He shouted, Gavin, you are too arrogant!” 

Wilson’s expression was full of rage

He said, Gavin, the crimes you have committed are heinous and grave. After arriving in Brookspring, you slaughtered the three major families of Brookspring. You mercilessly wiped all of them out

Warrior Surveillance Bureau must apprehend you and bring you to justice. Yet, you dare to openly confront Brookspring Warrior Surveillance Bureau, slaughtering our public officials!” 

He continued, For such a monstrous crime, even if I were to kill you ten times, it would not be enough

Today, Brookspring Warrior Surveillance Bureau will act in the name of justice, restoring peace to Brookspring!” 

Wilson’s words were filled with a leader’s charisma

This kind of official jargon and rhetoric flew effortlessly from his mouth

Gavin gazed at Wilson before him. His eyes carried a hint of rage and sharpness

His voice became hoarse as he spoke, Restoring peace to Brookspring?” 

He sneered coldly and said, Back then, my Clifford family was hundreds strong. However, they were mercilessly slaughtered. Tell me. Where were the members of the Warrior Surveillance Bureau at that time

Why didn’t you speak of restoring peace for Brookspring back then?” 

Gavin’s words grew more impassioned, and by the end, his voice, already hoarse, carried an infinite rage

Because even if the Warrior Surveillance Bureau didn’t directly harm the Clifford family back then, by choosing to turn a blind eye, they became accomplices to the enemies of the Clifford family

Upon hearing Gavin’s questioning, Wilson’s eyes showed clear signs of panic. Yet, he once again spoke directly, saying, Stop your nonsense here!” 

He continued, When has there ever been a Clifford family in Brookspring? Since ancient times, there have only been four major families

Even if there were a Clifford family in Brookspring, it would be a lowly, inconsequential, and worthless family, not worth mentioning!” 

At this point in time, Wilson was still trying to rationalize and cover up the events of the past

Gavin looked at Wilson. His heart was burning with fury

Then, he shook his head slightly and sighed deeply

Gavin shot a cold gaze at Wilson and said, It seems you are truly incorrigible

Then I have no choice but to send you to the afterworld so you can apologize to the lost souls of the Clifford family yourself!” 

As Gavin’s words fell…. 


A loud bang sounded

The earth beneath his feet exploded as usual

His entire body surged like a bolt of lightning, instantly charging toward Wilson

Wilson watched Gavin, and a glint flickered in his eyes


After a loud shout, Wilson directly instructed

No one move. I’ll deal with Gavin personally!” 

Then, Wilson leaped into the air, advancing toward Gavin instead of retreating

To be honest, Wilson didn’t know the true extent of Gavin’s strength, but he knew he had a powerful backing

That was the lord of the Southeast Martial Order

He knew that if he were to fight Gavin, the lord of the Martial Order would never stand idly by

With this thought, a relaxed expression appeared on Wilson’s face

He threw a powerful and heavy fist at Gavin’s head

But the next moment…. 

Smack!A sound suddenly echoed in his ear. Gavin and Wilson stopped in the middle

Wilson realized that his fullforce fist was firmly caught in Gavin’s grip

He instinctively tried to pull it back, but his hand felt as if it were clamped by a vice, immovable

A flash of terror gleamed in Wilson’s eyes. His fullforce strike was the power of a novice supreme warrior. Something an average person, a normal warrior, or even a peak expert warrior wouldn’t be able to withstand in the slightest

Yet, his hand was being held effortlessly by a twentysomething youngster. Wilson couldn’t even break free from Gavin


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