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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 198

Chapter 198 

“It’s actually a fucking tank!” 

Rose, the head of Rosebud was a natural and graceful girl, but she could not help. but say dirty words at that moment. 

She did not mean it! 

She was really shocked because the behemoth that had just rushed down the hill and landed heavily on the highway was actually a tank! 

Rose had never seen such a scene before. 

In order to chase after a person, they had even used their tanks! 

The behemoth was driving at high speed beside Rose’s car. It was obviously a modified tank. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be running so fast. 

The way it covered the sky was very oppressive! 

After all, Rose had never seen such a scene before. She was still relatively fragile. She stepped on the accelerator subconsciously and wanted to rush out to distance herself from the tank. 

But at that moment, Gavin said indifferently, “Why are you driving so fast? Are you planning to drive in front of the tank so that it can blast you with its cannon?” 


Hearing Gavin’s words, Rose finally reacted. 

She thought to herself, ‘Exactly! I’m now right next to this tank. 

“The cannon of the tank can’t aim at me, so of course, it can’t fire at me. 

‘But if I drive in front of it, won’t I be in the range of the tank’s cannonball?” 

Therefore, she immediately slowed down and returned to her original speed, making her car run side by side with the tank. 

However, there was also the risk of the tank suddenly crashing into her. Even though her car had been modified, no matter how it was modified, it could not withstand being hit by a tank. 

Therefore, at that moment, Gavin said indifferently, “Hit the brakes.” 

“Screech!” The brake pads rubbing against the tires was heard. 

Rose’s car instantly slowed down. 


The moment she slowed down, the huge tank brushed past the front bumper of the car and hit the road on the left! 


Moreover, due to inertia and without a force-bearing point, the tank crashed into 


the railing in the middle of the left side of the road. 

The noise sounds kept coming. 

A tank was a tank after all! 

It unexpectedly continued to move forward rapidly on the barrier, closely following the car Gavin was riding on. 

Soon, the driver of the tank steered the tank back to its normal path. 

It quickly approached the car again. 

At that moment, the driver of the tank had a ferocious expression on his face. He gritted his teeth and roared, “Damn it! You’re quite smart! 

“You actually know not to run in front of me! 

“Just you wait. I’ll kill you right now! 


As he roared, he stepped hard on the accelerator of the tank he was driving. Rolling black smoke came out of the tank’s chimney and chased it toward the car. At that moment, Gavin slowly opened his eyes. 


After sighing softly, he said to Rose, “Open the skylight!” 


Rose obviously did not know why Gavin wanted her to open the sunroof. 

However, she still did as she was told automatically. 

As the car’s panoramic sunroof opened, Gavin slowly stood up. He leaped straight through the sunroof to the roof of the car. 

Although the car was driving at a high speed, Gavin stood on the roof as if he were standing on flat ground. He did not shake at all. 

He looked indifferently at the tank that was rapidly approaching the car he was 

At the time when the driver of the tank saw Gavin standing on the roof of the car, he was stunned. However, in the next second, a ferocious smile appeared on his face. 

He shouted arrogantly, “Hahaha! You stupid bastard! 

“You even dare to come out of the car. You actually have the guts to come out and stand on the roof! 

“Don’t you know that my cannonball can hit so high?” 

The next second, he pressed the communication device in his tank and shouted, “Hurry up! Aim at this brainless piece of trash and start firing! 

“Blast him to death!” 

Squeak! Squeak! The soun 

tank’s barrel slowly descended. 

grinding agams 

Gavin’s height reached the lowest point of the tank’s barrel. The huge muzzle was aimed straight at Gavin’s head! 


The next second, with a loud bang, flames suddenly appeared! 

A cannonball with a tongue of fire behind its butt was fired in the direction of 


When the driver of the tank and the operator who fired the cannon saw this. scene, the cruel smile on their faces became even more brilliant. It was as if they had already seen the scene of Gavin being killed by their cannonball. 

Rose, who was driving, was also shocked. 

She hurriedly exclaimed, “Mr. Clifford, be careful!” 

She even wanted to change the direction of her car to help Gavin dodge the cannonball. 

However, Harry’s voice instantly sounded. 

“Don’t move the wheel!” 

Harry gripped the steering wheel tightly, preventing Rose from changing the car’s direction at all. 

At that moment, Rose realized that her strength was actually not even comparable to Harry’s! 

She had already lost in this short battle of strength! 

However, it was not the time to focus on the difference in strength between them. 

The cannonball arrived in front of Gavin in an instant. 

It was also at that moment that a strange airflow fluctuation appeared around Gavin. 

Amidst this strange airflow, Gavin slowly opened his arms. 

The moment the cannonball flew over, Gavin’s right hand moved forward. He actually caught the cannonball. 

Then, his body began to spin on the spot. The airflow around him also started to spin at the moment. 

Under the guidance of Gavin’s palm, the cannonball began to circle around his body! 

This scene stunned everyone present! 


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