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The Strongest Warrior’s Revenge novel Chapter 199

Chapter 199 

The tank tilted and smashed heavily into the road. 

The cannonballs inside exploded instantly because of the pressure. 

Those cannonballs exploded in flames and even seemed to set the clouds on fire. The flames instantly spread across the entire road. 


Rose, who had noticed this scene, instantly stepped on the brakes. 

She and Harry also jumped out of the car. 

Looking at the soaring flames behind them, Rose asked anxiously, “Where’s Mr. Clifford? 

“Where did he go? Is he alright?” 

Of course, Harry’s calm face was completely different from Rose’s anxious. 


Based on his understanding of the Dark Lord, if Gavin could not be safe under such circumstances, Gavin would definitely not be his Dark Lord. 

Tap, tap, tap. There were rhythmic sounds coming. 

They were Gavin’s light footsteps. 

Gavin walked out of the flames step by step. 

He was now strolling leisurely. 

His body was not injured at all. He did not even look like he was being burned by flames. 

Seeing this scene, Rose heaved a sigh of relief. 

However, at this moment, Harry turned around slowly with a serious expression. A joyful laugh sounded. 


“Brilliant! It was truly brilliant!” 

Clap, clap, clap…. 

Accompanied by laughter and “praise”, a series of applause sounded as if they were cheering for Gavin. 

Hearing the sounds, Gavin and Harry did not react. 

Rose had already turned around. 

With a whoosh, she quickly pulled out the dagger from her waist. 

With a serious expression, she looked behind her as two middle-aged men slowly walked out. 

Among these two middle-aged men, one was tall and one was short, one was fat and one was thin! 

At that moment, the man clapping for Gavin was the short and fat man. 

He had round cheeks, and his eyes looked like slits when he narrowed them to smile. 

The other tall and thin man was expressionless. He hugged his shoulders and slowly walked over. 

He looked a little cold. 

But Rose’s heart slowly sank. 

Because she clearly felt the unique warrior aura emanating from these two men. 

These two people were actually novice celestial warriors like her! 

Furthermore, among them, the tall and thin man who looked very cold seemed to be slightly stronger than her! 

“What should we do now?” 

Rose, of course, saw herself as one of the people to deal with the two men. 

She knew very well that if she encountered these two opponents, she would definitely die! 

However, Rose was clearly thinking too much because the two men’s target was not her at all! 

The short fatty clapped his hands and smiled at Gavin. 

“You’re worthy of being a warrior who can silently destroy my Southland Army’s Brookspring branch and Stanlow branch! 

“You really have some skills!” 

Hearing the short fatty’s voice, Gavin finally understood who he was. 

He thought that he had encountered an assassin who was after him because of the global kill order. 

However, now that the other party had mentioned their identity of being members of the Southland Army, all of this made sense. 

Gavin was wondering how could someone be so powerful as to seal off an entire highway. 

It made sense now that the other party was Southland Overlord’s subordinate. After all, this place was also Southland Overlord’s territory! 

What they did in their own territory had nothing to do with anyone else. 

Of course, this fatty was wrong about one thing. 

The Southland Army’s branch in Brookspring was indeed destroyed by Gavin. 

However, the Southland Army’s branch in Stanlow was destroyed by the head of Rosebud and people from Rosebud. 

However, now that Rosebud was already loyal to Gavin, it made no difference. between Rosebud destroying it and him destroying it. 

At that moment, the short fatty’s voice had yet to stop. 

As he and the thin man walked forward, he said to Gavin, “You’re indeed quite strong, but you’re… quite stupid! You actually dare to get out of the car and stand on the ground to wait for us. The people we arranged to ambush around can easily lock onto you! You’re dead, boy! Hahahahahaha!” 

This short fatty’s laughter was filled with intense mockery and contempt. 

Even the thin man, who had been silent all this while and looked a little cold, had a hint of disdain in his eyes. 

However, at that moment, Gavin said indifferently, “Oh? Since you arranged so many people, why don’t you ask them to make a move now?” 

Hearing Gavin’s words, the smile on the short fatty’s face instantly disappeared. 

A hint of surprise appeared in his eyes. After taking a deep look at Gavin, he directly spoke into the communicator hanging on his collar. 

“Southland Army, reply if you hear me! 

“Southland Army, respond!” 

However, no matter how loudly the short fatty spoke into the communicator, there was still no sound coming from the communicator. 

Then the short fatty and the thin man looked at each other in surprise. 

At the same time, a series of engine roars sounded. 

The cars that had disappeared from the convoy earlier actually arrived behind Gavin and stopped. 

The members of Frostpeak Dark Warriors Team D who were sitting in the front passenger seat immediately got out of the cars and knelt on one knee in front of Gavin. 

They said loudly, “Dark Lord, all targets have been killed!” 

“Mhmm!” Gavin only nodded lightly and did not say anything. 

Previously, Harry had sent the order to the members of Frostpeak Dark Warriors. 


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