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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 133

"If you spent three million buying this stone from me, Andrew, then you’d be anything but a fool. If you refuse to pay three million, then you're certainly a fool," Daniel asserted, aware that Andrew would never buy the stone, which is why he deliberately made such a statement. His goal was to tease Andrew a little and enjoy watching him regret his decision later.

"Three million? I wouldn't even pay three hundred bucks for that stone! I'd be a fool to buy it," Andrew scoffed, responding just as Daniel had predicted. He indeed wasn't willing to spend three million on a stone worth five million.

Feigning disappointment, Daniel shook his head, "Too bad, Andrew. You could have made an easy two million plus."

"You country bumpkin, stop with the poor act. Just because it's priced at fifty thousand doesn't mean anything will come out of that worthless rock. No matter how much time you waste, it won't change the fact that there's nothing in it. So I suggest you save us all time and have the staff cut it open now!"

"Andrew, I gave you the opportunity which you didn't take. It's a shame to watch it slip away right before your eyes. I can't force you, Andrew, to spend three million to buy it."

Daniel picked up a marker and drew a small circle on the rock before passing it to the staff. "Make a small window right here where I've marked."

Henry chuckled at Daniel's action, "Country boy, do you know what you're doing? You're having a window opened on a worthless rock, do you understand the cost and purpose of such a thing?"

Chapter 133 Blood Jade 1

Chapter 133 Blood Jade 2


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