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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 134

Henry knew what Andrew was hoping for, and he equally hoped that the stone Daniel picked didn't contain Blood Jade. How could Daniel, this country boy, randomly choose a stone and end up with Blood Jade when Henry himself had made a mistake on his own selection? This win for Daniel and loss for him would mean Henry had lost twice over, which was unacceptable to him. Therefore, in his mind, there was no way the jade could be Blood Jade.

After his quick internal debate, Henry speculated other possibilities and then had an "aha" moment.

"How could this stone possibly contain Blood Jade? This little window might look blood-red as if there were Blood Jade inside, but there are other explanations. It could be due to the lighting or the reflection of red light inside the stone. Or there could be impurities such as glass, which, even if red, are worthless."

It was then that a smiling figure approached—Nicholas made his appearance.

"Hello, Jessica, Daniel!" Nicholas greeted warmly, but noticeably, he didn't greet Andrew. Having overheard Andrew calling Daniel a country bumpkin, Nicholas felt annoyed and decided to ignore him.

Nicholas was quite well-known, and of course, Andrew recognized him. He initially assumed that after greeting Jessica, Nicholas would also acknowledge him. However, Nicholas acted as if he hadn’t seen Andrew at all, a snub that made Andrew feel publicly humiliated. To save face, Andrew took the initiative to greet him, "Nicholas, long time no see!"

Chapter 134 Nicholas Arrives 1

Chapter 134 Nicholas Arrives 2


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