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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 73

Chapter 73 TMO’s War 

Upon hearing Brittany’s words, Jessica’s heart sank. However, she remained calm, her expression unaltered as she looked at Brittany and asked evenly, So it was really you who brought this guy to the Black Panther Club? Why didn’t you tell me? And who exactly is he?” 

Brittany had just reached the crux of her statement when Jessica interrupted. Justin, of course, recognized that Jessica was warning Brittany not to expose the truth. He quickly interjected, Jessica, you’d better keep quiet while Brittany is speaking. Don’t play games. I want to hear the truth from Brittany’s mouth.” 

Fine! If that’s what you want, I’ll let Brittany clarify everything to everyone,Jessica responded firmly. If this person really is related to TMO, I will not deny it! But let me remind you all, TMO’s patience has its limits. Even if that person is from TMO, don’t think you can touch him! I will never abandon a TMO employee, and my company will absolutely not forsake him!” 

With that, Jessica turned to Brittany. Brittany, just tell the truth, tell them everything! TMO got your back, I got your back!Her words were a warning to Brittany and a statement of her position. She wanted to warn Brittany that even if she revealed Daniel’s identity, TMO would protect him

Brittany was stunned. Jessica’s stance made her hesitant to voice what she had planned. She knew Daniel was in a Matthewsmansion and had wanted to leverage the intimidation of Martial Club United to make Jessica hand over Daniel and resolve the issue. Now, she didn’t dare proceed

Brittany had joined TMO right after graduation and had been Jessica’s secretary for a long time. She was well aware of Jessica’s character, knowing that Jessica was a woman of her words. If she betrayed Daniel, it would mean betrayal to TMO and The Matthews. Her loyalty to Jessica, TMO, and The Matthews was absolute. Jessica was the best boss in Brittany’s eyes, and she would never betray her

Seeing Brittany remained silent, Justin scoffed coldly. Ha! Jessica, does your speech imply that the moron was indeed sent by you? He injured dozens of Black Panther Club’s disciples, scalded my son’s 

mouth with boiling water, and attacked meare all these things your arrangement, ca? Are you 

declaring war on the entire Martial Club United?” 


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