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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 74

Chapter 74 Moron? The Chairman

Ryan, the wily old fox, wanted Jessica to hand over the person in question. If that individual showed up, his duties as chairman would be fulfilled, and only then could they discuss how to resolve the situation. It was key to find Daniel first

Suddenly, from somewhere nearby, there were screams as members from various clubs were flung 

through the air, landing in a heap in front of Ryan to form a small mountain. Daniel had arrived! The club members tumbling over were the ones who stood in his way

Justin lit up with excitement at the sight of Daniel. He pointed directly at him, shouting, That’s him! That’s 

the moron! He not only insulted my Black Panther Club but also the entire Martial Club United. He said 

that all the members of Martial Club United are trash! He even claimed the chairman of Martial Club 

United was an idiot, that he would personally beat the chairman and take over as chairman himself!” 

Before Justin could finish, Ryan dealt him a slap across the face


The slap wasn’t hard, but it rang out loudly, stunning everyone present. Justin was bewildered by the slap

Looking at Ryan, he asked in confusion, Chairman Rose, what are you doing?” 

Do you know who he is? He is Dan” 

Before Ryan could say Chairman, Daniel quickly interjected, his tone jovial. I’m just a noname doctor 

who once treated Chairman Rose for an injury. I’m just a nobody.” 

Ryan quickly caught on to Daniel’s intent and responded in kind. No, no, no! Daniel, your medical skills are extraordinary, you’re the most impressive doctor I’ve ever met!” 

*Chairman Rose, I’m Jessica’s assistant. My visit to Black Panther Club was to encourage Mr. Justin to relocate according to the agreement. This matter is a private dispute between TMO and Black Panther 

Club; it has nothing to do with Martial Club United. So, could you please ask the members of Martial Club 

United to leave? I will discuss the followup with Mr. Justin, you can rest assured, Chairman Rose.” 

Since Daniel has clarified that this is a private matter between TMO and Black Panther Club, Martial Club 

United will certainly not get involved,Ryan confirmed

Ryan then turned to Justin with a chilling tone, You’d better quickly apologize to Daniel, then move your Black Panther Club out of Windows Street promptly. Furthermore, the ten billion in compensation you mentioned, that’s for the losses caused to TMO by your refusal to relocate. You should compensate TMO 

with ten billion!” 

Jacob quickly chimed in, speaking soothingly to Justin, I have dealt with Mr. Daniel before, and I suggest you do as he says; don’t create trouble for yourself” 


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