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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 75

Chapter 75 Departure 

When Daniel singlehandedly swept through the Ivy Club, the disciples from The Four Clubs present at the scene all recognized him as the true chairman of Martial Club United. However, Daniel had ordered them not to publicize his identity, so they remained silent. As for the others, they were entirely unaware of what had transpired

Although they dared not speak out loud, they murmured amongst themselves

What’s gotten into The Four Owners? Why are they all speaking up for that moron?” 

Who exactly is this Daniel? I’ve never seen him before.” 

Could TMO have secretly paid off The Four Owners? Otherwise, I can’t think of why they would defend 

that moron.” 

You’re right; that moron must be an actor, a temp hired by TMO.” 

The Black Panther Club has occupied Windows Street for three years. Jessica must have reached out to The Four Owners in advance, giving them benefits, hence today’s performance!” 

Yes, I understand now. Jessica must have hired someone from another state who can beat Justin, this moron. Then, she teamed up with The Four Owners to stage this drama. The goal is to declare in front of all Martial Club United disciples that the dispute over Windows Street is a private feud between TMO and Black Panther Club and has nothing to do with Martial Club United.” 

The matter has nothing to do with Martial Club United anyway! Justin took TMO’s money, signed the agreement, but refused to move out.” 

to it?” 

He’s trying to extort TMO. Why should he drag Martial Club United into 

Exactly! We’re not fools; I don’t want to be a pawn for Justin or his hitman!” 

As the others discussed, Ryan couldn’t offer an explanation because he couldn’t reveal Daniel’s identity. So all he could do was shout, Silence! You’re all club members; don’t natter like a bunch of nannies. Since it’s been made clear this is a private quarrel between TMO and Black Panther Club, those from 

other clubs can leave now!” 



, guys! Let’s leave this place; there’s no point congregating here and causing trouble. Members of 

Harrison Club, leave with me!” 

Members of the Excellent Club! You are not to linger here or get involved in the dispute between Black Panther Club and TMO. Anyone who does not accept my decision can leave the Club right now.” 

Our club is not involved in this; let’s head back to our Club

The Four Owners made their stance clear and took their club members with them. The other spectators 


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