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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77 This Isn’t Over 

Upon grasping the situation, Justin quickly concurred with Joey’s proposition. Joey, I’ll definitely support your candidacy for chairman during the election, and I’ll contact all the owners I’m on good terms with to support you as well. From this moment on, I am your hound, Joey. Whatever command you give, no matter the cost, even if it’s my life, I will carry it out!” 

Mr. Justin, you don’t need to go that far. From now on, we’re brothers. I will treat you like my own kin!” 

Inside her office, Jessica examined Daniel with a puzzled look on her face. Why did Chairman Rose give you so much face?she asked

He owes me his life.” 

He owes you his life?” 

Didn’t I mention I was a doctor? Not too shabby with medical treatment, if I may say so myself. Last time when he had an accident during training, he almost died on the spot. Lucky for him, I happened to be there and saved his life.” 

I seelIt clicked for Jessica. So, when you said earlier that you could handle it with just a word,you weren’t just bragging?” 

I’m an honest man. Everything I say is the absolute truth; how can I be bragging?” 

Honest? You never brag? Ha!Brittany couldn’t help but to seize the opportunity to chime in with a scoff


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