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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 78

Chapter 78 Good News 

After hearing Brittany’s words, Jessica immediately frowned and fell into deep thought. Not everyone in Martial Club United was as reasonable as Ryan, If they were to join Justin’s club on a personal basis, bypassing Martial Club United, it would complicate matters

The Black Panther Club hasn’t moved out of Windows Street, and Justin has not compensated TMO for the losses caused. This matter isn’t settled!Jessica stated firmly before instructing Brittany, Calculate the losses over the past three years and give Justin the bill for reimbursement.” 

Jessica, do you actually believe that scum’s words? It’s impossible for Black Panther Club to move out of Windows Street now. And you think Justin will compensate TMO for the past three yearsdamages? Do you really think that’s possible?” 

Nothing is impossible. Black Panther Club must move out of Windows Street! If Justin’s wrongdoing doesn’t amount to ten billion, he shall still reimburse us that amount. If the damage exceeds ten billion

then he must compensate the actual losses” 

Motherfucker, shut your mouth! Who do you think you are? You’re lucky enough if you can make Justin move. You think Justin will pay ten billion? You’re living in a dream!” 

With that, Brittany turned to face Jessica. During the three years that Black Panther Club has occupied Windows Street, it hasn’t actually caused TMO any losses. On the contrary, we benefitted. When we acquired the lot on Windows Street, our plan was to build a business complex. Fortunately, we did not proceed with the project, otherwise, it would have definitely been a loss. Several other business 

complexes have been established in the vicinity over the past couple of years, but none of them have been profitable. Now, if we can get Black Panther Club out, we can replan to avoid unhealthy competition. So, despite the threeyear delay, this has been a good thing for TMO!” 

Brittany, are you suggesting we should thank Justin for occupying our land? Should we be grateful that he took over TMO’s territory and ask him to stay a few more years, preferably keeping Windows Street indefinitely?” 

Daniel’s remarks immediately angered Brittany, her beautiful eyes blazing with fury. Asshole, don’t spread your nonsense here, and don’t try to make Jessica misunderstand me! I am an employee of TMO, I am Jessica’s person I will always stand with Jessica! I was merely stating the facts I am not speaking from Justin’s perspective. What I am trying to say is, if Black Panther Club can be moved out of Windows Street, that would be enough. If we push for compensation and by chance we infuriate Justin and he 

refuses to move, what then?” 

Brittany has a point. We’re businesspeople; we don’t have any financial conflicts with Justin. Sometimes, it’s more profitable for us to take a step back.” 


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