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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 Jennifer’s Bet 

Chapter 86 Jennifer’s Bet 

With a cold chuckle, Jennifer scoffed, A secretary? Brittany is no ordinary secretary; she’s Jessica’s 

personal assistant, her most trusted confidante. In TMO, she’s second only to Jessica herself, her right- 

hand woman

You’ve got under her skin, and you have no idea how much she detests you. She’ll use every trick in the book to see you fired

What are you anyway? Just a clueless country bumpkin

Once this phase passes, Brittany will need no more than a flick of her wrist to kick a nobody like you out of TMO!” 

And what if I’m not fired?” 

One month, tops, and you’re out!” 

And if I’m not, what then?” 

What are you getting at?” 

If, after a month, I haven’t been fired, and without my permission, you can’t have a boyfriendlet alone get married!” 

What in the world? You,freak, still obsessing over me?” 

You’re mistaken; I have no intention of marrying you. This condition is only meant to make you reflect. If 

you can’t admit your faults, then you might end up alone forever, in loneliness.” 

Please, with a snap of my fingers, I could have a line of guys wanting to take me out that’d stretch all the way to the Statue of Liberty. If anyone’s going to end up alone, it’d be you, not me! I’m single now only because none of these men are worthy of me!” 

So, you’re scared to take the bet?” 

Instead of answering, Jennifer asked, And if you’re fired by TMO within a month, what’s your penalty?” 

How would you want to punish me?” 

I’m not gonna bother with something silly like not letting you have a girlfriend; with your charm, you wouldn’t find one anyway. If you get fired from TMO within a month, you’ll have to come work for me. Whatever I say, goes.” 

Jennifer’s hatred for Daniel was beyond his wildest imagination.. 

Yet, she hadn’t quite figured out how to exact her revenge. So, she came up with this condition

If Daniel was fired by TMO within a month, he’d have to work for her, at her mercy

When that time came, Jennifer would show Daniel the meaning of cruelty

Seeing Daniel just smiling at her, Jennifer scoffed provocatively. 

Chapter 86 Jennifer’s Bet 



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