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The Understated Dragon Lord novel Chapter 87

Chapter 87 Origin Elixir 

River didn’t know that the reason for the centipede’s restlessness in Chris’s stomach was because of Daniel. Within Daniel’s body were seven seals of the dragon, the superior of all animals. The centipede sensed the aura of the dragon, hence its fear and loss of control

Seeing River pause, an anxious Isabella asked, Dr. Yu, how’s my dad doing?” 

River didn’t answer directly but instead asked, Does your dad have heart issues?” 

Yes! He’s always had heart problems, but things got better after he had bypass surgery six months ago.” 

River let out a long sigh, causing Isabella to panic. “Dr. Yu, please tell me what’s going on with my dad!” 

If your dad hadn’t gone through that heart surgery, he could’ve lived another decade, easy. But that surgery has cut short his lifeline. Being optimistic, he can make it through the year.” 

Having said that, River shook his head and turned to leave

Dr. Yu! You must save my dad! I’ll do anything if you can cure him!” 

Lady, I practice medicine to save lives, not for rewards.” 

River stopped and pulled a small vial from his pocket, tipping out a crystalclear pill

Well, since we’ve met, perhaps it’s fate. I’ll gift one of my Origin Elixirs to your father. This magical remedy is exclusive to me on this whole planet. I crafted it from eightyone rare herbs, following ancient rituals over fortynine days. Tiny as it is, someone once offered me a billion dollars, and I didn’t sell.” 

Daniel examined the pill and realized the socalled Origin Elixir wasn’t medicine at all. It was a compact mass of Tame head insect eggs. Who knew what would grow inside him if he swallowed that? Was this 

old man trying to kill Chris

Daniel still chose not to intervene, deciding to keep observing. He suspected that the curse Joseph 

suffered from was linked to this old man. Until he could be sure, he didn’t want to alarm him

Handing the Origin Elixir to Isabella, River stroked his white beard and said, Give this to your father to swallow. As soon as he takes this Origin Elixir, he’ll wake right up. But to mend his severed lifeline, one pill 

isn’t enough; he’ll need a course of seven. That means taking one every seven days. Whether or not you’ll 

be able to find me for the second dose seven days later, well, let’s leave that to fate:” 


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