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The way I used to live novel Chapter 46

Daksha's POV:


It had been a month since we won the case and my life became so peaceful. I was living a happy life with Arjun. Though I was still carrying the guilt of my past, it got reduced to some extent.


At least I was happy that the culprit of my past got the punishment that he deserved. Adi Anna took over the company's responsibilities from our father and started handling it. He even restarted Teju's fashion line. He was still looking for a suitable person to handle the fashion line.


Though he was pretending to be content with his life, I knew, deep down, he was still missing Teju. I want him to move on in his life and I pray for him to find true love in his life.


Teju would always be irreplaceable in our lives but it was a fact that she could never return. So, it would have been better if we accepted it and tried to live happily just like she wished for us to live.


As for Arjun, I decided to confess my feelings to him. I couldn’t play dumb when his eyes reflected apparently what he felt for me. I knew he too had a thing for me and I just couldn’t sit and wait for him to propose to me. He was a buddhu.


So, I was determined to take the things into my hands and decided to shock him with my proposal. He already did a lot of things. He doted on me, pampered me, cared for me, fought for me. He did everything that an ideal husband should do.


So, it was my turn to pamper him a little. Thus, I planned a surprise for him with the help of my girls and Attayya at his favorite hideout.


I tilted my head to take a glance at the clock and saw that it was nearly evening. So I immediately rushed to the washroom and had a quick bath.


After that, I changed into a bluish-grey saree with a designer blouse and styled my hair into a bun. After checking myself once again in the mirror, I started going downstairs after grabbing the gift that I intended to give him.


When I went downstairs, Attayya was talking over her phone and Ammu gave me a thumbs-up while complimenting my looks. I just smiled at her and waited for Attayya to finish her call.


After she was done, she smiled at me and gestured to me to sit beside her.


"My daughter is looking so beautiful. I think my idiotic son will have a hard time controlling himself," she said teasingly.


"Attayya!" I exclaimed in embarrassment and she just smiled at me.


"Is everything ready over there? Will he be there on time?" I asked her after a while.


"Yeah. Everything is done. You can start now. I told his assistant to bring him there by hook or by crook. So, don't worry about that." She assured me.


After bidding goodbye to them, I started driving there with a blissful smile on my face.


Upon reaching there, I saw that people arranged by Attayya were doing the final touch up to the place. I was completely satisfied with their work. I was sure he would definitely like my surprise as he was wishing for it for so long.


After finishing their work, they left the place while I started waiting for him nervously. Soon I received a call from his assistant. So, I immediately rushed outside after instructing him to leave.


When I went outside, I saw that Arjun was standing there with a confused look on his face. So I slowly sneaked from his back and closed his eyes with my palms. He was startled a little but after sensing that it was me, he relaxed and tried to wriggle out of my hold.


"Daksha, what are you doing?" he asked me.


"Shhh. You will know it soon. Just walk along with me, okay?"


Saying this, I started walking carefully so as to not stumble upon my saree. Since he was a head taller than me, walking while closing his eyes became a hard task but I still made it.


After reaching there, I slowly removed my hands from his eyes and waited for his reaction.


Arjun's POV:


After finishing my work, I intended to go home soon but my assistant forcefully dragged me to the car and started driving without my consent.


When I asked him about where he was taking me, he just replied that it was an order from the home minister. I just rolled my eyes at his audacious behavior but when I noticed the route we were heading, I grew even more confused.


He was taking me to my favorite place where I took Daksha once before our wedding and had a little dinner date. Irrespective of the questions I had in my mind, I chose to stay quiet. After reaching there, he opened the door for me, before calling someone and drove away from there, leaving me all alone.


I looked at the surroundings in confusion but suddenly someone closed my eyes from behind. When my nostrils caught the whiff of the familiar mist which had become my new favorite, I relaxed and asked her the purpose but she insisted on me tagging along with her.


Having no choice, I followed her lead slowly. She stopped at some spot and removed her palms from my eyes. I blinked my eyes a little but was surprised to see the sight in front of me.


"You peeked into my journal?" I asked her in a surprised tone. Well… that was the only possibility.


She nodded at me slowly with a smile.


"Don't you like it?" She asked me carefully while twisting the edge of her saree.




That was when I noticed her attire. God, she was looking divine. Though she rarely wore sarees, surprisingly she could pull off traditional wear very well. I always love her look in sarees. I was still in awe until she snapped her fingers in front of me.


"Tell me."




"Where did you zone off to? Did you like my surprise?" she asked with a slight frown on her face.


"I loved it"




She beamed at me when she saw me nodding at her.


"Let's go inside.” Saying this, she excitedly dragged me into the treehouse


I sighed and went with her. When I entered it, I was again surprised by the decorations that were inside. There was a table arranged for a candlelight dinner and the whole house was decorated with the candles and red roses. It was looking truly ethereal.


chapter 46 1

chapter 46 2

chapter 46 3


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