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The way I used to live novel Chapter 50

One and a half years later


Daksha's POV:


"No, cancel that appointment. I already informed you that I am not taking any cases for now."


Not again.


"So, what if it's the sixth case that I have rejected? It doesn't matter to me. Just do what I say," Arjun shouted at his assistant over call.


After messaging about something to Adi Anna, I carefully sauntered towards the bed and closed my eyes before adjusting myself into a sleeping position.


I felt him sleeping beside me when he placed his hand on my shoulder and asked me in a worried tone, "Are you okay, sweetheart?"


I just nodded at him and shut my eyes. He sighed and slept while holding me in his arms.


The next morning, I woke up and saw that he was coming out of the washroom only with a towel around his waist.


If it were some other time, I would have admired the masterpiece in front of me but today neither I was in a mood nor I had the heart to admire him.


So, I slowly stood up from the bed and he immediately rushed to my aid. I let him do whatever he wanted to do because even if I protest, he would never listen to me.


After completing my chores, I came out of the washroom. He was arranging the breakfast on the table. I went to the table and started having breakfast silently.


"Daksha, what happened? You are behaving so weirdly since yesterday. Are you feeling unwell? Should I call Yuktha?" he asked me with much concern but I chose to ignore his questions because if I opened my mouth, it would only hurt him which I didn't want to do. So I chose to stay silent.


Suddenly, a knock on the door brought me out of my reverie. I turned my head and saw that Ammu was standing at the door.


"Vadina, your Anna is here!" she said with a confused look on her face.


I nodded at her and had my breakfast in a hurry. After that, I grabbed my suitcase and placed it on the bed before starting to arrange my clothes in it.


Arjun immediately snatched those clothes from me and closed the bag.


"Will you tell me what the hell is happening here?" he asked me in a slightly angry tone.


"Nothing, I am going to my mother's place," I told him calmly.


"What? You can't go there. I won't agree." He immediately retorted.


"Since I am already in my last trimester, it's already decided that from next week I have to stay at my mother's place as a part of our tradition. So, what difference will it make if I go now?" Saying this, I again opened the luggage and arranged my clothes in it.


"Are you serious? Did I do something wrong? Did I hurt you in any way, unknowingly?" he asked me in a defeated tone.


I closed my eyes to hide my tears and I didn't have answers to his questions as he never hurt me intentionally or unintentionally but how could I tell my views to him when he never tried to listen to them?


"You did nothing. I am just missing my parents," I said in a low voice.


Saying this, I went to the table and ate my medicines. After that, I was about to go outside as I couldn't face him.


"I am sorry if I hurt you in any way. You can go to your Mom's place but behave normally with me," he said while hugging me from the back.


I turned around and pecked his lips before nodding at him and went downstairs with him trailing behind me with my luggage in his one hand and another one on my shoulders.


After going downstairs, I informed Athayya about my departure and she gave me a surprised look


"What! Did he do something? Did you guys have a fight?" she asked me and I shook my head at her questions.


"Then why are you leaving today when it should be next week that you leave?" she asked and I just pursed my lips, not willing to answer her questions.


Understanding my reluctance, she glanced at the gloomy Arjun who was standing beside me and nodded at me.


"Okay. Take care of yourself. I'll visit you daily. Adi, you better prepare a room for me in advance because I may surprise you all with my visit anytime." She instructed my brother and he nodded at her with a smile.


Soon, Arjun helped me in getting inside the car. I refused to look at him even when he was looking at me desperately.


Only when Adi Anna started driving, I dared to look at his figure longingly from the rearview mirror.


"If you are so reluctant to part with him, what's the need for doing it?" he asked me while giving me the side glances.


"Sometimes, it's necessary to do the things even when you don't have the heart to do it," I told him calmly.


"Okay. I know you must have a reason for this sudden decision. So, I won't probe you any further. Just don't stress yourself too much,"  he said and I couldn't be more thankful to him for that.


When we reached our mom's place, we both went inside. Mom and Vadhina welcomed me inside and hugged me one after the other. After inquiring about my health, Vadhina and Adi Anna left for their room when they heard the bawling of their one-year-old daughter.


I forgot to tell you that Adi Anna was now happily married. Well, it was a story for another time.


Though he faced some problems initially, at last, he finally succeeded with moving on in his life.


Teju would always be irreplaceable in our lives. Now we remembered her with a smile on our faces. I was happy for Adi Anna as he found his true love at last.


Mom sighed as she was pretty much used to the antics of her granddaughter and took me to my room.


After she left, the tears which I was holding until now, started falling continuously. I didn't want to leave him and hurt him like this but I didn't have any other choice. While taking care of me, he forgot to look after himself and started neglecting his own health.


When he came to know that he was going to be a father, he was on cloud nine. He took care of me very well and didn't even let me do anything. Though, initially I enjoyed his pampering, eventually, it started suffocating me.


It reached another level after he came to know that I was facing some complications with my pregnancy. He stopped going to his work to look after me and made sure that I was taking my medications properly.


I should be happy about getting such an understanding and caring person as a husband, right? Of course, I should be but only if he wasn't overbearing.


He restricted me from going outside. I had to follow the strict diet and I even had to go for a walk only in his presence. So unable to bear it, I decided to come to my Mom's place.


I didn't know when but I drifted to sleep while crying. In the afternoon, Mom brought lunch to my room and fed me with her own hands.


"Where is Dad?" I asked her while nibbling on my food.


"He didn't know that you were going to come today. So, he went out with Aarna's dad. I already called and told him about your visit. He said that he will come by this evening," she explained and I nodded at her in an understanding manner.


After she completed feeding me, she went into the washroom to wash her hand whereas I took my medicines.


"Now tell me what's the matter?" Coming out of the washroom, she asked me while wiping her hand with the edge of her saree.




"I'm your mother and I know you very well. So don't dare to lie at my face, young lady." She insisted and having no choice, I told her everything and she just laughed at me in return.


"Is it a matter to laugh at? Here, I told you about my problems and you are laughing at me. How mean you are." I huffed at her and turned my face to the other side angrily.


"Okay. Now don't be angry. When I saw your face earlier, I thought it's something serious but I didn't expect this to be the reason," she said and I rolled my eyes at her. "Now listen to me. I don't want to take anyone's side because you both are correct in your places. Have you ever tried to talk with him? Just like how you had some fears about being pregnant, he too has some fears. He has an additional responsibility to take care of along with you. He has to make sure that you both are doing well because he is your husband and this little one's father. That responsibility comes with some fears." She held my hand and continued softly.


"Fear of not being able to take care of you both well. Fear of something might go wrong in his absence. Fear of disappointing you if anything happens. See… with these many thoughts, how can he concentrate on his work? Men are different from us. They won't express anything openly. We have to understand it through his actions. Just like you, Arjun has his own set of insecurities. He is afraid of not being a good father, a good husband."


"That fear increased even more after hearing about your complicated pregnancy. He is afraid of losing you both. So, his protectiveness came out as a little overbearing. You are his wife. I thought you would understand him well. I can't blame you though. I know how this pregnancy is taking a toll on you. So, just talk with him nicely and tell him your views. He will understand. Just don't shut him off completely. You need him with you at this time," she said and that was when I understood what an idiot I was.


I really failed to put myself in his place. I failed to understand him. All I had in my mind was his overbearingness and failed to notice his fears and insecurities.


At this thought, my eyes brimmed with tears.


"Ma, my actions must have hurt him a lot. What do I do now?" I asked her and she just shook her head with a smile before wiping my tears.


"Silly girl. Don't worry. He is a mature person and won't sulk over this little matter. I agree he must be hurt by your actions but if I am correct, he will definitely want to clear the air between you both. So, he will come to visit you for sure by night." She assured me and I sighed in relief after hearing her words. "Now stop fretting over it and rest for a while."


Soon, night came by. I spent my time with my Dad and with my little princess and retired to my room.

Chapter 50: epilogue 1

Chapter 50: epilogue 2


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