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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 38

Riley and Maeve are in the library. Maeve was reading a book while Riley was looking at a lovely artwork depicting different colors that hung on the wall. Close to the artwork is a frame holding a picture of Evolette.

“It is beautiful” Riley muttered.

Maeve who had not heard Riley clearly replied “Yes, of course, she is beautiful”

“No mum, I was referring to the piece of artwork over here,” Riley said.

“And of course it is beautiful,” Riona said.

“Rio” Riley turned to see Riona standing by the door and she wondered when she entered the room.

Riona walked towards Riley “That piece of art that you see there is one of Brice Marden’s best collections”.

“It is quite lovely” Riley responded innocently.

Riona placed her right hand on the piece “This is not a common piece Riley. It is from Brice Marden. I know that you don’t know much about artworks, but what does it matter?”

“You have to be kind with your words” Maeve cautioned.

“I will Maeve. I am only trying to make her understand the value of what she is looking at as I would not want her to mess with it” Riona said.

“I have heard you, Rio. I will be careful with it” Riley was trying to avoid having any trouble with Riona.

Riona on her part was not ready to give up “And you should be”

“Just stop it Riona, what is up with you?” Maeve screamed.

Riona smirked “And what if I don’t, what can you do?”

Maeve was beginning to boil inside of her and she was fighting so hard to stop herself from literally exploding.

Riona loved the tension that she was creating and how her actions were making Maeve react. She vowed to herself that she would stir Maeve’s reaction.

“It is okay Rio. I will not touch anything” Riley said.

“You don’t have to Riley. That piece over there is worth millions of dollars. So tell me, do you now understand why you must be careful around it? You don’t go about touching just anything that you see” Riona said.

“Stop it, Rio, just stop it already” Riley screamed.

Riona smirked once again. She loved to see Riley react the way she did.

Maeve dropped the book she was holding and went to hold Riley “It is okay Riley, we can leave now”

“Leave? Please not just the library, leave my house and never come back” Riona spat.

Maeve and Riley ignored Riona and were about to leave the room.

“Are you running away, for how long are you going to continue to run? You cannot run away from your shadow. I am your karma Maeve” Riona said.

Maeve turned to Riona “You are still a child”

“I agree I might still be a child, but I don’t allow my desperation to cloud over my sense of judgment” Riona replied.

“You see Riona, I don’t know who brought you up this way I know it is not Wright and it is definitely not Evolette” Maeve said.

“You have no right to talk about my mum, Maeve, you are not up to her standard by any justification” Riona retorted.

“What do you want Riona? Just the other day, your dad talked to you about this but you would never listen. What does it take to be nice to people? Maeve flared.




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