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The Wrath Of The Shadow Wolf novel Chapter 41

Riona opened the door to the house and entered. It was already past ten in the night, and she never told anyone that she would be returning home late.

She was conscious of her movement as she was hoping everyone had gone to bed as she did not have the strength to engage in any exchange of words with her dad or any other person.

She was shocked to see that the lights were still on and that everyone, except of course Talia, is in the sitting room waiting for her arrival.

“And where are you coming back from this time young lady?” Wright shouted.

“Good evening dad” Riona managed to say.

She was not expecting the sudden attack from Wright. She actually thought that no one would be up by this time.

She could see her aunt Kyra, she had disappointment clearly written on her face. Riona had not meant to break any rule. She lost track of the time at the pack.

Today is her mum’s postpartum birthday, and she had decided to go have some moments alone at some of her mum’s favorite places. She was so filled with the thoughts of her mum that she did not know when it got extremely dark.

“Keep your greetings to yourself Riona. I ask again where the hell do you think you are coming from by this time of the night” Wright thundered.

Riona wanted to reply, but she could not get any word out of her mouth. She had never seen her dad this mad at her even on occasions she felt she had done worse than this.

“Answer me now” He screamed.

Wright was already irritated by Riona’s silence and if care is not taken, he might do something worse, that, even he would live to regret.

He knew that Riona had never been out this late and that she would always call whenever she was going to be some minutes late coming back. That is why he is still affording her the time to explain herself.

He hated to think that it has gotten to the extent when Riona would openly have to undermine his authority in his own house. If this was as a result of his softness towards her, then he was ready to go all hard on her from now on.

In spite, Riona took her eyes away from her dad and focused on Maeve. She could not help but think that this was all the fault of Maeve. Riona does not know the nexus, but she believed that if not for Maeve, somehow, today her mum would be her to celebrate her birthday with them.

To Riona, Maeve should be blamed for whatever misfortune that she had to undergo.

“Take your eyes off my wife now” Wright screamed.

Riona was again taken by surprise. She immediately turned to look at her dad and she never attempted to take her gaze away again.

“She has nothing to do with this, you went out to God knows where and returned late without any justification and you deserve to be reprimanded. You don’t go about shifting your own faults to others, it is not going to work for you this time” Wright cautioned.

Wright stopped and waited for Riona to put up a defense or maybe an excuse or anything at all. He would not tolerate her standing there, staring at him and keeping mute.

“I lost track of the time daddy” Riona responded.

“What do you mean you lost track of the time Riona, where did you go to, and who did you tell you were going out and what made you lose track of time?” Wright asked.

He was evidently trying so hard to gain control of his temper as his breathing was already loud enough to the hearing of everyone in the room.

“Dad, actually, I …”

Riona tried to speak, but Wright’s words stopped her.

“Hold on, let us take the questions one after the other” Wright said.

He paused for a while and continued. “The first question is where have you been all day,” Wright asked.

“I went out” Riona mumbled.

“I can’t hear you, Riona, would you please speak up” Wright commanded.

“I went out dad, I took the day off to be by myself,” Riona said.

“Okay, I have absolutely no problem with that. But then, who did you tell that you were going out?” Wright asked.

Riona tried to say something, but it was barely audible and Wright could make nothing out of it. He was starting to get agitated again.

“Would you speak up, and can you even hear yourself?” Wright said.

“I told no one dad, sincerely, I never intended to stay till this time…”




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