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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 409

Chapter 409 The Results

Having spun the story out as well as she could, Rina took a deep breath to compose herself before she added, “Mom, Dad, I’m sorry that I lied about not recognizing them from the photograph, but you have to understand that these are the same people who hurt and terrorized me all my life. I never wanted to bring them up because doing so would only remind me of those dark days, so—”

“Stop, Rina, you don’t have to say anything else,” Julia sobbed; she was beside herself with grief as she pulled Rina into her arms.

After he heard the story, Titus’ expression softened and the menacing look with which he regarded Rina was replaced with a gentle one.

It was plain to see that the narrative she created was persuasive enough to ease the suspicion in his heart, but as a result, Hal and Greta were completely outraged.

Hal, in particular, shuddered with fury as he snapped, “Don’t bullsh*t your way through this, Taylor! You little b*tch, when did I ever say you weren’t my biological daughter? When the hell did I ever hide some necklace from you?”

“You’re making up dirty lies about us!” Greta shouted alongside her husband, her eyes bloodshot. We see what’s happening here. Looks like this little brat has every intention of disowning us as parents! That’s why she created a non-existent background for herself!

Neither one of them had ever thought their daughter would be so bold and ambitious as to spin such a huge web of lies.

Casting Hal and Greta’s thoughts aside, Zane was just as surprised by the narrative and his face was more somber than it had ever looked. He narrowed his eyes and grimly appraised Rina. This woman is sharper than I thought. She actually turned the odds in her favor with just a few lines!

As it turned out, he and Sonia had underestimated Rina when they thought she might slip up and expose herself. Looks like our decision was wrong from the very beginning!

“Nice going, Taylor.” Zane clapped his hands slowly, eyeing Rina as he drawled sarcastically, “You really do have a way with words, seeing as how you’ve managed to convince President Gray that you’re speaking the truth.”

Rina lowered her gaze to hide the spite in her eyes. She knew that he was trying to reignite Titus and Julia’s suspicion, but unfortunately for Zane, she wasn’t going to give him the chance.

With that in mind, she tugged on Titus and Julia’s sleeves. “Mom, Dad, I think Miss Reed and her friends are determined to prove me as an impostor. They’ll keep insisting that I am Hal and Greta’s daughter no matter what we say. Let’s just wait until the DNA test results are out. I’m sure they’ll have their answers then.”

Titus and Julia exchanged a glance with each other before they nodded. “Very well, then. That’s more sensible,” he agreed with a hum.

On the other side of the room, Zane frowned. “Sonia, did they do a DNA test?”

“They did,” Sonia answered after pursing her lips.

An astonished Zane exclaimed, “That’s bold of Taylor.”

She drummed her fingers lightly against the armrest of the wheelchair and mused gravely, “Yeah, I was also shocked.”

Taylor was not Titus and Julia’s biological daughter, so there had to be a reason why she was so confident in giving a sample of her hair for the DNA test instead of being evasive about it.

The only person who knew the real reason behind Rina’s confidence was Toby, who narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at Sonia. He parted his lips to say something, but in the end, he held back.

At that moment, a hush fell over the room and even Hal and Greta cowered to one side. They dared not utter a single word, at least not while the tension thickened as the rich folks stood in silence. Speaking now seemed like an all too dangerous move.

After what felt like ages, the door to the laboratory opened and Wanda walked out with Keiran. Falling in step next to them was another employee, who carried a folder in his hand. Needless to say, everyone knew exactly what was in that folder.

Titus and Julia rose to their feet and demanded, “Are those the results?”


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