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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 410

Chapter 410 Biologically Related

Across the room, Zane had taken the document away from Toby and flipped to the last page. When Zane saw that the test results were the complete opposite of what he had expected, his eyes widened as he exclaimed in disbelief, “How is this even possible?”

Upon hearing this, Sonia’s heart sank as panic overwhelmed her. What’s going on? Why does Zane make it sound like something bad has happened? “Wanda,” she called out while clutching the armrest anxiously.

Wanda approached Sonia and crouched down next to the wheelchair. “Miss Reed?”

Sonia turned in the direction of Wanda’s voice and insisted, “Wanda, you were in the laboratory the entire time, so you must know the results, don’t you? Tell me.”

“Well…” Wanda’s gaze flickered over to Zane, but he was shell shocked, judging from the way his hand trembled as it held the papers.

When she sensed the older lady’s hesitation, Sonia grew antsy. Then, she curled her fist and dug her nails into her palm as she frantically urged, “Wanda, tell me!”

Wanda glanced at Toby, who caught the look on her face and nodded once. She heaved a sigh and replied reluctantly, “The results indicate that the young lady over there is President Gray’s biological daughter.”

Upon hearing Wanda’s words, Sonia’s eyes widened and she tensed up with bewilderment. Taylor is Titus’ biological daughter? That’s impossible! That can’t be right. They aren’t supposed to be biologically related at all. The results must be fake; someone must have manipulated it!

Sonia’s thoughts went wild. Taylor had probably figured a foolproof way to bribe the test facility and its employees into faking those test results. She might not have the means to do it, but chances of it happening were slim as well.

On the other side of the room, Titus and Julia had overheard what Wanda said and exchanged a gleeful look with each other.

“Did you hear that, honey? Rina is our daughter!” Julia gripped Rina’s hand as she proclaimed excitedly, “Didn’t I say that Rina is unmistakably our daughter? We even did a test right from the get-go to be sure of it! How could we have possibly faked something like that?”

He nodded in satisfaction. “You were right all along.” Then, he turned to look at Rina, the frosty gleam in his eyes replaced with a warm one as he apologized, “I’m sorry, Rina. I never should have doubted you.”

She shook her head before a slow smile spread on her face as she tearfully responded, “It’s okay, Dad, I don’t blame you. Miss Reed and the others were the ones who fabricated the test results and brought Hal and Greta over to prove their case. They did all they could to make you believe I’m not your daughter, so your doubt wasn’t uncalled for. All that matters now is that we have the real results to prove that I am indeed your daughter. I don’t blame you at all, Mom and Dad. If anything, I blame Miss Reed and her friends the most; they’d crossed the line and dealt a really low blow.”

Rina had somehow managed to pin all the blame on Sonia.

Sure enough, Titus and Julia grimaced at Sonia like she was a piece of filth and their rage toward her was renewed at once. “Sonia, the results are out and it shows that Rina is my daughter,” he gravely pointed out and scoffed. “Anything else you’d like to add to that?”

Julia, however, was more blunt with her words as she snapped, “Don’t waste your pleasantries on her, honey. Let’s call the police on her immediately!”

Meanwhile, Sonia’s expression turned sour. She hadn’t expected that things would turn out like this and her hand was shaking where it had gripped the armrest tightly. Is this it? Will I actually be personally handed over to the police by Titus?

Titus was already taking out his phone and one could practically feel his triumph from across the room as he made to call the cops.

Upon seeing this, Toby narrowed his eyes into dangerous slits. He was about to say something when Zane finally snapped out of his daze and turned to look at Titus. “Hold your horses!”

Everyone’s gazes fell on him when they heard this and Titus was sullen as he accused, “Are you going to stop me, Young Master Zane?”

“I think the results are fake and I refuse to believe it!” Zane said with an air of authority as he threw the paperwork onto the floor unceremoniously.

Rina grimaced spitefully at his interjection and her fists curled at her sides. The results are out, but he’s still trying to make me look suspicious. Is he so dead-set on bringing me down?

“Fake?” Titus repeated with a cold sneer. “Young Master Zane, you’ve seen the results with your own eyes and you even asked someone to head into the laboratory to keep an eye on the procedure. What gives you the right to accuse us of faking the results?”


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