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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 498

Chapter 498 What’s Up with the Pictures?

Toby’s face darkened upon hearing his brother’s words. How could I ever lose feelings for Sonia? That’s impossible! I’ve loved her for more than ten years, and my feelings have never changed. In fact, my feelings for her have only grown stronger over the years. I’ve never imagined myself losing feelings for her. Toby lowered his head to send a text. ‘There’s no such thing. It was all a misunderstanding.’

Soon enough, Tyler replied with another voice note. “A misunderstanding? What’s going on here, Toby?”

Toby pressed his lips together tightly as he continued typing. ‘Stop asking so many questions. This has nothing to do with you. Just focus on your competitions, okay? You need to return to the country once you’re done with your basketball tournament. I have some stuff to tell you.’

“What is it, Toby?” Tyler didn’t understand what was going on. This time, Toby no longer replied to his text. Instead, he exited his Messenger application and gave Tom a call.

“President Fuller.” Tom picked the call up almost immediately.

With his thin lips pursed, Toby spoke in an icy tone. “You know all about the news online, right?”

“I do. I wanted to call you earlier, but you were on another call,” Tom explained.

“I want you to get the public relations department to cool things down for now. Also, I want you to use Fuller Group’s official social media account to clarify this matter. After that, I need you to hunt down the paparazzi who took the photos,” Toby ordered.

“I got it, President Fuller.” Tom nodded. Toby then ended the call and put his phone aside.

It only took about 30 minutes for the hype on the Internet to die down. Many of the news articles about the Fuller and McRae Families were taken down and replaced by other articles. Meanwhile, Fuller Group also made an official statement on their official Facebook page.

‘This is an official statement regarding the various articles published on ‘Entertainment First’, ‘Scream for Entertainment’ and other news websites. The articles claim that our president, Mr. Toby Fuller, is getting engaged soon, but the company hereby announces that such articles are completely false. President Toby Fuller currently has no plans of getting engaged to anyone, so all the articles are nothing but rumors and speculations. We hope that you, as responsible netizens, can stop the spread of these rumors. On top of that, the false articles published by ‘Entertainment First’ and other websites have caused huge damage to President Toby Fuller’s reputation, so our company has already taken legal action against the companies that were involved in this matter. We hope that you guys take note of this announcement.’ The post was made along with two photos attached to it—one was a lawyer’s letter while the other was a court summon.

Many of the netizens were shocked to see these images online. They immediately understood how severe the matter was—Fuller Group was actually going to court with those media sites. Since the court had already issued the relevant summons, the media sites would have no choice but to deal with things in court.

It only took a short while for this entire incident to spread across the Internet. Soon, everyone found out that legal action was taken against the media sites that had started false rumors about Fuller Group. The media sites that had posted reports about Toby’s engagement but had yet to receive a lawyer’s letter immediately started deleting all their previous articles. Even some of the netizens who had made comments were deleting their likes and comments on the false posts as they were afraid that they would somehow get involved in this matter.

Just like that, most of the news about Toby’s engagement was removed from the net—it was almost as if a huge broom had swept the entire Internet clean of these rumors. Instead, the various media sites began to fill Fuller Group’s official account with their lengthy messages to express their apology. Most of these posts were written in a heartfelt and emotional tone. The media sites had no choice—they didn’t enjoy making apologies, but they would rather do that than start a fight with the undefeated Fuller Group.


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