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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 499

Chapter 499 The Will to Live

That’s right, she must be jealous. I can sense her jealousy from the way she worded her text. More importantly, she deleted the text almost immediately after sending it to me. It shows that she realized how she was in no position to ask me such a question, and it shows that she feels too self-conscious to leave the text there for me to read it. Does that mean that she’s starting to care about me? Toby wondered.

When Toby realized that Sonia might be developing feelings for him, he didn’t feel very happy about it. Instead, he furrowed his brows and tensed his facial muscles. There seemed to be a dark, gloomy cloud above his figure. Logically speaking, I should be happy to find out that Sonia cares about me, but fate is a cruel thing—I can’t believe she’s only developing feelings for me when I’m at the end of my life.

His gaze darkened as he tilted his head downward to look at his chest, where his heart was beating weakly. I was starting to lose all hope in life before this, but I have to admit that I’m starting to regain my fighting spirit now that Sonia seems to be developing feelings for me. Just the thought of this possibility gives me a reason to live—it makes me think about spending the rest of my life with Sonia.

Previously, Toby had decided to go with the flow as he searched for a heart donor. A part of him knew that he wouldn’t be able to find a suitable one, and a part of him knew that he was going to die in the end. Since he thought that Sonia had no feelings for him, he had decided to let go of Sonia and accept his eventual death. However, now that Sonia seemed to have feelings for him, he no longer wanted to die. He wanted to find a donor, and he wanted to live! But it was simply too hard to find a suitable match…

Toby’s phone started ringing then. He quickly regained control over his emotions before he picked the call up. “Yes?”

“The false articles have been dealt with, President Fuller. Our company’s legal department will go to court with those media companies in three days,” Tom reported.

“Okay.” Toby nodded.

“Also, I found the paparazzi who snapped the photos of you and Lily. He isn’t under any media company—he works alone,” Tom uttered as he adjusted his glasses.

Toby narrowed his eyes upon hearing this. “Which media company did he sell those photos to, then?”

“He didn’t sell the photos to a media company. He sold it to Lily,” Tom said in a serious tone.

“Lily?” Toby pursed his lips. “Why did the paparazzi sell it to her?”

“Because Lily was the one who ordered the paparazzi to snap photos of both of you!” Tom explained in a stern voice. “According to what the paparazzi said, Lily contacted him before the social event and ordered him to wait around outside the hotel. She wanted him to snap photos of both of you interacting intimately, and she offered him a payment of 100,000 just for the photos. Last night, he sent the photos to Lily, and Lily passed them over to the media. She was the one who told the media that you guys were getting engaged.”

Toby gripped his mobile phone so tightly that it looked like he was about to crush his phone into pieces. “I see,” he hissed. His eyes were burning with rage. Previously, Toby had assumed that it was a coincidence to have the photos taken in such a manner. However, he hadn’t expected someone to have planned it all out behind his back. That’s great! Good job, McRae Family!

Tom continued, “I believe that Lily’s just using this opportunity to go viral with you, President Fuller. Perhaps she wanted to boost the McRae Group’s stocks. Since you don’t read entertainment news, you wouldn’t have found out about the ‘engagement’ if no one told you about all the gossip online. If that were the case, then you wouldn’t make an official statement, and the Internet would continue to believe that you guys were getting engaged. That way, the McRae group would leech on Fuller Group’s reputation and grow along with us. They probably thought that they would be able to get more partnerships once their reputation improved.”

Tom let out a frustrated laugh before he continued. “Now that you’ve clarified yourself and stated that you do not have plans for an engagement, the McRae Group’s stocks might not increase in value, but they still wouldn’t drop drastically. You were the one who brought Lily to the social event, and there are photos to prove it. You may have clarified the rumors about the engagement, but netizens will now start to mock and ridicule Lily’s actions. Then, Vincent can claim that you brought harm to Lily’s reputation, and he can ask you to compensate for her losses.”


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