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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 527

Chapter 527 Melody’s Dirt

Tom scratched his nose and smiled sheepishly. “Just worried you might get jealous, sir.”

Toby pursed his lips. “Cut the crap. Are you doing this or not?”

“Of course I am,” Tom quickly answered. After Toby got out of the car, Tom quickly bent over to carry Sonia in his arms.

Toby looked at Sonia, who was held by Tom, and he started getting jealous. However, he could do nothing about it, since he was in no condition to hold her. He looked at his injured arm and sighed silently. “Get me an appointment with an orthopedist tomorrow.” He wanted to know when his arm would completely heal.

As Toby’s right-hand man, Tom knew why Toby wanted that appointment. The corner of his lips twitched. “Yes, sir,” he answered.

Toby kept quiet. He then closed the car door and went ahead to the complex.

Tom followed behind, holding Sonia in his arms. It was a short journey, but a difficult one for Tom, for he had to make sure he didn’t touch Sonia in other places, or Toby would give him the death stare.

They came to Sonia’s unit a few minutes later. Toby knew the password, so he opened the door easily.

Tom quickly took Sonia to the bedroom. After he put her on the bed, he heaved a sigh of relief and felt the weight on his shoulder disappear.


Toby sat down beside Sonia and took her shoes off, then he told Tom coldly, “You can leave now.”

Tom rolled his eyes in silence, but he replied politely, “Yes, sir. I’ll be going now.” You really know how to burn bridges, huh? And he sounds so annoyed. He’s angry that I held Miss Reed. Tom felt a little unfair. He’s so unfair. He told me to do it, but now he’s angry at me. So capricious.

Toby gently put Sonia’s legs on the bed. “Fetch me tomorrow morning,” Toby said to Tom.

Tom was surprised. “You’re staying, sir?”

Toby tucked Sonia in and grunted. “Do you have a problem with that?”

“No. I’ll be here at seven.” Tom looked at the time.

Toby nodded. “And bring breakfast with you.”

“Of course, sir.” Tom adjusted his glasses and left.

After he was gone, Toby went to the bathroom and came back out with a warm towel to wipe Sonia up. After he was done, he went to brush his teeth and wash his face. And then he went to sleep while hugging Sonia.

Toby woke up at seven in the morning the next day, then kissed Sonia’s cheeks and got out of bed. He tiptoed out of Sonia’s room, and if it weren’t for the caved-in pillow and the lingering warmth, it would be like he never appeared in the room before.

When Toby opened the front door, Tom was standing outside with breakfast in hand. He greeted Toby with a smile, “Good morning, sir.”


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