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This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr novel Chapter 528

Chapter 528 Toby’s Cufflink

The call was from Teddy. He called to tell her about Melody’s confession. Even though Sonia had already guessed that Melody was the accomplice last night, hearing the confirmation still stoked the flames of fury within her. Melody is a dunce! She’s going to ruin everything for all of us! Her own family’s going to be dragged into this if the public finds out she’s Tina’s accomplice!

“Miss Reed? Miss Reed?” Teddy was worried that Sonia wasn’t talking, so he asked, “Are you still there, Miss Reed?”

“I am.” She snapped out of it and took a deep breath to hold her rage down. “Mr. Olsen, did Melody tell you where Tina went?”

“No.” Teddy shook his head. “She said they went their own ways after the switcheroo was done. Not even she knows where Tina is right now.”

“Are you sure she didn’t lie?” Sonia frowned.

Teddy answered, “We’ve used a lie detector on her, and she didn’t lie. She doesn’t know where Tina is.”

Sonia bit her lip. If Melody doesn’t know where Tina is, that means that woman must be hiding somewhere right now. Question is, where is she hiding?

As if knowing what Sonia was thinking, Teddy said again, “Don’t worry, Miss Reed. My boss has approved and issued an arrest warrant for Tina. I believe we’ll recapture her soon.”

“I trust that you will do your job, Mr. Olsen.” Sonia forced a smile. Then she asked him a few things about Melody before hanging up. Sonia tossed her phone aside and sat on the bed, starting to think about how she got back the night before.


She remembered falling asleep in Toby’s car, but she couldn’t recall how she came back to her home, much less ending up on her own bed. Obviously, she didn’t come back on her own, since she had no habit of sleepwalking. Toby must have taken me back, but his arm is still hurt, so how on earth did he manage?

She was still trying to figure it out, but the sound of the doorbell ringing broke her train of thoughts. She frowned and went out of her bedroom. “Who is it?”

“It’s me, babe,” Charles said, his voice slightly muffled by the door in his way.

Sonia smiled and opened the door. “What brings you here?”

“Tina’s suicide. What else?” Charles came in and changed into a pair of slippers.

Sonia closed the door. “Tina’s case? I thought I told you last night—”

After he changed into the slippers, Charles stood up and looked at her solemnly. “What I’m about to tell you is going to be a shock, babe. You have to promise me you will stay calm after hearing it.”

Sonia nodded. “I promise. What is it?”

“Right. Here’s the news.” Charles looked visibly upset as he told her the news, “Tina’s not dead. She’s not the one who jumped off the building last night.”

Sonia was surprised he knew that. “How did you know about that?” Did the police make this public already? Impossible. They wouldn’t do that. Their rep would take a hit if they did, and the public would start to worry. They would never tell anyone about it.

“I heard the guys talking about it,” Charles answered.

“The guys?” Sonia frowned.


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