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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 22

Chapter 22 

Merikh POV 

My lycan lurks just beneath the surface, fighting me with every sharp inhale as my chest aches with anger. He wants out; he wants blood, and he is fixated on the fucker who is trying to take what is ours

The only thing keeping me from throwing my head back and letting him take over and rain down his punishment is the beautiful, wide eyed, sobbing woman between us. I hate that I am the reason for her crying. At first I thought I would relish making her acknowledge the lies, but this. it’s torture

Merikh..her voice is a soft whisper as she clutches her chest and looks up at me with puffy eyes, I am begging you, please

It’s okay, Cole.Grady says and I grit my teeth, biting back the monster that is begging for release. Let the Alpha of Death show you 

his true colors.” 

Say your goodbye,I say, staring right at the asshole who thinks he is acting so damn tough. He didn’t seem all that tough when the first strike fell last night

I wish I could take it all back, accept you, choose you like you deserved. My greatest regret is losing you, and I will die knowing at least I tried to rectify it.” 

Colette looks at me, agony in her eyes as she takes a step closer to me. I move back, away from her and her intoxicating presence. Being close to her, when I know I am hurting her, is painful

she sees thi 

Turn and watch.I whisper, making sure she sees this. She needs to witness it

I nod to my warrior, who stands behind Grady, and he acknowledges my command. He walks Grady to the border line no more than thirty feet from us and, with a hard push, he sends him over the line. I can feel her eyes on me, and I know she is confused

This is your gift, my little luna.I take another step back, away from her

Grady lifts his head, waiting for someone to kill him. Instead, I point into the woods

I banish you.I utter, the words booming through the forest with force as the trees rumble. You are not to return to any of the werewolf or lycan communities. You are no longer one of us. If you come back, you will be killed on sight.” 

What?his mouth falls open before he holds his stomach in pain, the tie to our kind breaking, making him a true rogue. His eyes slide to Colette, who remains silent and unmoving. Then Grady drops his head, and she looks away at the ground, unable to watch as he turns and rushes off 

We need to head back,I say, breaking the silence and Colette’s eyes scan me, looking at me closely as I turn and walk away from her. The sooner the better,” I say, feeling dead inside

The rustling behind me is a good indicator that she is following along as my warrior goes back to his dungeon duty, heading in the opposite direction. Other than the birds in the trees and rustling of the forest floor beneath us, there is no sound. No attempt from either of us to understand or explain what just happened

I could have killed Grady. And honestly, I really wanted to, but I have more important things to worry about than an ex mate trying to reclaim what he can never have

As the music comes back into ear range, I feel her hand grab my arm and I go rigid, confused. I look down at her thin fingers that wrap over my shirt and then look at her as she stares forward, walking at my side. She must be doing this to put on a show in case any of the pack members see us coming back out of the woods. 

It’s smart. The last thing I need is my pack thinking I picked someone randomly that I don’t even care for. No matter how angry I am, I will never be able to lie and tell myself I don’t care for her. Hell I just fought the part of me I have always let win to keep from losing her forever

Chapter 22 

As we get closer, the sounds of laughter and clinking echo through the trees, and I feel at ease. My pack is finally happy. Since Lauren, things have been..rough. A luna strengthens a pack, helps guide me in my mission to protect an entire pack and the whole of our kind and the werewolves. The role is vital to being a successful Lycan King. A king must have his queen

Luna!Penny squeals, coming up and bouncing around us eagerly. Did you do it? Do you have a mark now?” 

The girl is drunk. How she has successfully managed it this quickly is beyond me, but drunk is definitely what she is. Which means Percy must be close by on duty

No,Colette says sweetly, He just took me for a walk.” 

OH!her eyes grow wide. For your present? Not going to lie, kind of thought your present was going to be eggplant shaped and a fresh bite,she winks

Colette furrows her brows, confused. Then she looks up at me for the first time since leaving Grady in the woods. I expected to find anger and apprehension in her beautiful light brown eyes yet; I find something entirely different. Instead, she just watches me. Her chin tilted up and mouth parted ever so slightly

He gave me something so much better.She murmurs

Not sure what could be better than what I suggested,Penny hiccups, and I shoot her a scowl

Penny, no more drinking and get some food in you.I order and she nods, waltzing off happily

So what did he give you?Hayes says, walking up and I close my eyes, squeezing them tight, wishing to disappear. Why does he always show up at the most inopportune moments

That’s between us,” Colette says

with a soft chuckle

Well, that is not fun,Hayes teases before slapping me on the shoulder. I watch as Pack members come up and drag their Luna off to meet other all the while chatting and smiling. Hayes sighs heavily at my side

She seems to have liked her gift, then?He asks as I glare at him

Yes, I suppose not murdering him in front of her was a good choice.I mutter, reaching over and stealing the cup of liquid. from my brother. I sniff it, a little disappointed to realize he is drinking ice water, but I take a swig anyway

Are you going to kill him now that she thinks he is safe?Hayes asks, and I sigh 

There is no point in lying. I had thought about that option. Several times on the walk back over here, but truth be told, it’s a waste of my resources and dangerous to venture out into the exiled territory just for a meaningless kill

No.I bite out, my eyes glued to my Luna as she be spells everyone with her melodic laughter and genuine smile

Are you planning to forgive her?He asks, lowering his voice as he turns to face me. I slide him an annoyed glance and roll 

my eyes

Forgive her?I scoff. Forgiveness is usually something someone asks for. She hasn’t asked for it, hell she hasn’t told me shit. All that has happened is 1 announced that I know she’s full of shit and she thinks I was somehow being nice.” 

-Well, I mean you didn’t murder her first love, so that kind of seems nice.” 

Yeah, shut the fuck up.” I growl

The council meeting is coming up,he says, choosing to change the subject

I am aware.I grit out

And she is going to find out you are second chance mates in a week.” He continues. I groan in annoyance, looking at of water in my hands, really wishing it were that special brew that can get a lycan drunk



Chapter 22 

We will see,I grumble and I can feel his curious gaze

You wouldn’t..he says skeptically

Well, I’m sure as shit not marking her yet,I shoot back at him and he furrows his brow

It would be easier if you did.” 

Marking requires sex, Hayes, I remind him

Yeah, I know that.” 

I’m not really feeling all that gentle or loving. Do you suppose I should screw her while I am angry at her? I am sure that would make for a super comfortable first time.” 


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