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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 31

Chapter 31 

We will not see eye to eye on this matter, I fear.He sighs heavily, shaking his head

I shrug and keep walking, picking up my pace to get back to Merikh a little sooner. No matter how much he gives me the silent treatment. I crave his presence when I’m not around him

Maybe it’s the supposed second chance mate bond her claims we have. Or perhaps it’s because I find I feel safe with only him. Either way, I want this encounter to be over

I suppose not.I frown, my eyes scanning the shadows of the trees along the east, looking for Percy. It would be nice to know where exactly he is, to give him a signal that I want him to come whisk me away

Your friend is still there. I can sense his presence.Caspian says without looking at me. He is lucky that we allow him to remain here. We could have him dispatched, and you wouldn’t be able to do anything about it” 

We wouldn’t be here if we couldn’t bring him, and touch him and I will rage a war.I snark at him a little sassier than


Mmm, I don’t recall even inviting your kind here in the first place,He retorts. This king swaps moods quicker than a woman trying on a dress for her first date

And yet we found an invitation. You don’t find that odd?” I ask him and he refuses to look at me

I’m not sure I understand what you mean,Caspian mutters, sounding bored

Someone at this event wants us to be here.” I shrug. My guess is the person who is trying to hurt me, and Merikh has ulterior motives.” 

It is possible.” He shrugs, sounding disinterested before he releases a large huff. Well Letty, it was an interesting interaction but I suppose I should be off” 

Can I ask you something?I ask, stopping him by stepping in his way. He Places his hands on his hips and looks me over with a curious gaze before nodding and rolling his eyes

You may ask, but I do not promise to answer,he bites out, making sure I understand he is in control of this conversation.. Which means I need to tread lightly… 

Why can’t you have a mate?I ask, and he laughs, caught off guard bymy question. I notice the way the water ripples in tune with his melodic tune, and I realize that is just a small semblance of his true force, his real power

Sirens do not have mates, like unicorns or witches,he explains. Werewolves and lycans are the favored of the species, always the loyal one and you were all rewarded with a love that can not be refuted.” 

I snort. “I’ve seen it be refuted. Rejection seems to be a rising trend in our community.” 

Yes, I suppose you have, considering the story you told us at dinner a week ago. What I mean to say is that it is a soul tie. Something that goes beyond love. It’s a completion of your soul. Without it, you are only half a person.” 

I furrow my brows in thought

So then, what do you call your version of a mate?” 

He shrugs and looks up at the sky for a moment

We use the term mate as well, but it does not have the same meaning. Ours is a partner. Someone we chose as we think they will strengthen us and make us wiser. Mates for us is a strategy, one that often ends in multiple mates.” 

My brows knit together in thought

And you have chosen not to take a mate?I ask him and he nods his head yes. And why is that? Do you not need to have


He chuckles and shakes his head 

I have many nieces and nephews who would love to have my throne.” He says

But that doesn’t mean that they are suited for it. And you avoided the real question,I say, quirking a brow 

*True, many of them are not. But I am too old now for a child, so I will choose from them one day. And no, I do not need a mate as I do not plan to have a child at my age

I give him a credulous stare. Does he seriously think a mate is just a strategic act? One that means you have to have a kid

Having a mate isn’t just to have a kid. It’s about having a home inside your house. Somewhere you can go when you are lost inside your head. Someone who keeps you safe just by holding you close.” 

I watch his lips twitch as he looks off into the distance wistfully

I know,he whispers as if he is speaking to a memory, and I watch him curiously

I let him dream in his head for a moment, thinking of the other species and their way to find a mate. Or their own version of a mate. Caspian is so right. How truly lucky we are to have a fated mate that we can know is meant to be ours and not someone else’s. Not that I can tell if I have that with Merikh yet. But the thought is truly a thrilling one

Then I think about Lauren. How she was mated to Merikh and yet, she still chose a vampire over him and our kind. Can cross species children happen from time to time? I mean, if Lauren and Johannes were lovers, surely they could procreate

You look inquisitive again,Capsian says, sounding amused

I’m just curious. I admit. I did not know there were any other species out there, let alone this many. Is it possible for a werewolf to mate with any of them?I ask

No.He says quickly, like he is trying to shut the topic down, but I won’t let this go that easily. I am intrigued by the thought there could be thousands of little hybrids running around the world

No, it’s not possible? Or no, it’s not allowed.I ask, making sure to slide my eyes to him, studying his face, hoping to tell if he lies to me or not

It is not allowed.” He says, refusing to look at me

But Lauren and JohannesI say and he heaves a heavy sigh 

Vampires can not have children. Not with a species that is not their own.He explains. Vampires can choose whatever mate they want because there is no risk of a born hybrid from them.” 

Has it happened with any other two species before?I ask, growing more curious by the moment

Yes,he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose as though he is annoyed with all the questions. But I have no plans to stop until he asks or walks away

How many times?I ask, getting excited and he looks away, his body growing stiff and the air around him turning chilled

Once.He says, clearing his throat and looking away from me

And what happened to him?I ask and he clears his throat, stopping where he is before he looks around and then steps into my personal space

Why? Do you wish to create a hybrid child?His words are harsh, full of a thinly veiled anger

What? No. I will carry my mate’s children. I am just curious.” I try to explain 


Chapter 31 

You are too curious. He hisses, again his eyes darting around and his voice barely a whisper

Maybe you are too evasive.I shrug and he sucks on his teeth

She died,” He clears his throat. It was a girl, and she was killed. A hybrid is against council rules. They can not exist. A hybrid would be too powerful and unpredictable” 

I feel a tightness in my chest at his words, the way he tries to hide his emotions, hiding behind his annoyance with me and anger. Caspian is the king, and has been for a very long time. If a hybrid was killed, it was his order that killed her. It would have to be

His anger isn’t anger at all. It’s guilt. And it makes me sick to think he could ever order someone to death over something that wasn’t their own fault


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