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Traded To The Lycan King by MG Wattsons novel Chapter 36

Chapter 36 

Merikh tugs shut the large bay window’s curtains, looking around outside as before he turns to look at me. Caspian has all the lights on in his immense office of silver colors and various shades of blue swirling along the walls like shimmering waves of the sea

It even has a salty smell, one that reminds me of a fresh warm breeze kicking up sand as you walk along the beach. It’s annoyingly comforting while I try to remain angry and disagreeable

How is Percy?I ask, looking at the ground, playing with the fabric on the armchair from where I stand behind 

  1. it

He is healing now.Merikh says, but I still ignore his presence

Brent has removed the spells that ban the use of powers for your kind, so you can contact him through the mind link if you are worried.Caspian says. His voice is soft, like he is trying to please me, to win me over. It only 

irritates me further

-Perc?I call out to him through the mind link

-Yes, Luna?— 

-How are you feeling? Are you finally healing or do you at least have some relief and know what happened?— 

My memory is foggy. But I have agreed to allow Brent to help me clear it once I am a little more healed.– 

–Rest, okay? I need my shadow backup and in orderI tease and smile to myself

-I’ve called for backup. Hayes is on his way with Pennyhe tells me and I furrow my brows, finally sliding a glance at Merikh. I want to be mad at him for not telling me they are coming, but it’s hard to reason with the logic that he hasn’t been alone with me long enough to tell me anything

-I will come visit you after this meeting- I tell him then I shut down the mind link, clearing my throat as I square my shoulders and push my hair over my shoulders

No more cowering or hiding my emotions. And no more damn tears. I am a luna and I will get my answers and from there I will take my emotions back to my room and feel them without anyone else having to see it


Chapter 36 

There will be no more pity or sympathy or people thinking I am weak because I am experiencing or feeling things. I am a Luna, the damn queen. It’s time I act like one

How did you meet my mother?I ask Caspian, catching him off guard as he clears his throat and drops into his 


She was running away from her pack.He whispers, reaching for a leather strand on his desk and toying with it. Your grandfather was tired of waiting for her to find her mate, so he arranged a marriage to another alpha. Obviously Melody wasn’t too keen on that.” 

My heart pinches when I hear her name. Those tears I swore I would hide away trying to creep up, but I push them down. Melody. My mom’s name was Melody

Did she stay with you, then?I ask him and he chuckles

She wanted to. For as to live together but to live together, with what we areit was hard. I have an entire underwater world to rule and even with my royal blood, I can only remain out of the water for so long. And she is. a werewolf. Water is not all that easy to breathe in for your kind.Then he pauses, looking at me curiously

What?I ask, my cheek heating under his assessing gaze

I am curious about what you can do. If anything.He whispers. Do you only have a wolf? Can you breathe underwater, manipulate water? Control it with your emotions?” 

She can draw people to her with songs.Merikh says, breaking in

I can?I ask, my brows rising


ExplainCaspian says, leaning forward in his chair

Bentley refused to let her sing, always telling her she couldn’t carry a tune. That her singing was so awful it hurt people’s ears.” 

He knewI whisper, my face heating in anger

*She called me to her with her song.Merikh says, sliding his eyes to me as my mouth falls open


Chapter 36 

I what?” 

In the healing waters, you called me.” 

I blink at him, shocked. The memory floods back to me when I was in the healing waters, letting the water calm me as I sang the song I remembered from my childhood

The way Merikh appeared out of nowhere in a trance and like he couldn’t stay away from me. It was like he needed me, had to have me. My chest tightens as I stare at him, realizing that it hadn’t been him wanting me, but whatever weird powers I have and used through my song

Ii-I stutter, trying to swallow the sting of knowing I had tricked him into coming to me. That what I remember as being the beginning of something big between us was something I forced on him

A siren’s song?Caspian asks, a smile breaking his lips as he watches me with pride. That is a special gift, though it is generally a song of death,” 

It was a song mom used to sing, I think. One about a mate, and calling him home.” I whisper, afraid to look at Merikh, even though I feel the pull to do so. It’s as if I can sense his intense gaze, feel it like he is trying to see my innermost thoughts

Can you sing it?Caspian asks, his voice soft and full of emotion. I look up at him and then at Merikh hating the thought of him touching me right now, knowing that singing it will only draw him closer

No.I rush out, making the decision to never again sing that song. I have no desire to call my mate. Sorry.” 

Don’t be,Caspian says, giving me a gentle smile. This is a lot to take in. You meeting a father you never had. the chance to mourn or know, and me seeing the daughter I thought I lost.” 

I tilt my head

I thought you said hybrids like me couldn’t exist. That my death was necessary.” 

It was not my order that led to your mother’s death or your discovery. I tried to hide you. Coming back to you. and your mother every few months.” 

I frown, not fully believing him. How did you find out we were supposedly dead?I ask

Our little cabin was burned. Nothing left. Just the necklace I made you with your mother and this-he holds up 


Chapter 36 

the small thin scrap of worn out leather in his hand. The remnants of the last thing I gave her

But you did nothingI furrow my brow. You didn’t try to find who supposedly killed us, or go to the 


I know who did it, which is why I refuse to ever let them on the council again, and your mere existence is at threat to the council. It would be telling them I broke our most coveted rule. I would have been kicked from the 


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