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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 97

(Annabel POV)

My consciousness reunites with my body as a familiar touch is felt across my cheek. I slightly shudder, and my heart rate increases. Slowly, my eyelids lift from my eyes, revealing the luminous, morning light that pours through the windows. I'm blinded momentarily, and I blink a few times to adjust myself to the light. I turn myself so I lie on my back; my eyes look up, noticing the most delicious sight.

"Good morning, beautiful," the love of my life voices, his words laced with pure sex. A smile lines his lips. My heart immediately flutters.

"Good morning, Daddy," I respond, and my finger rubs my eyelid. "How was your workout?"

"It was good, angel. Thank you for asking." He softly chuckles. "And you, on the other hand, you're still in bed? I was expecting to come home to you naked in the kitchen with breakfast already made for Daddy," he teases.

Oh, fuck. He always wants too much. "Well, that could've been accomplished if you didn't fuck the shit out of me last night. I can barely move right now."

"I can't help that you're so god damned beautiful. You know how Daddy can't get enough of you, baby. But hearing you sore for Daddy is making me hard and wanting to fuck the shit out of you again."

I roll my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me again."

"I'm sorry, but it's hard not to when my pussy aches," I whine.

"Jesus christ, baby. You're going to make Daddy come in his favorite shorts."

"Daddy, please alleviate my soreness."

"Hmm, I will, cutie, but only on one condition."

A condition? Jesus, fuck. "What condition?" I ask.

His thumb strokes my cheek. "Promise Daddy to make him breakfast after, naked."

I sigh.

The man is too hot to not give him what he wants. "I promise to make Daddy his breakfast—naked."

"Good girl." He smiles and slides his black tank top past his head, throwing it aside, and the sunlight sets his skin, enhancing his already perfect and gorgeous body.

I'm already soaking wet; a tremor shoots to my core and limbs.

"Now, what do you want me to do? Do you want me to eat you out? I'm sure that will alleviate your soreness."

"No, that's going to make Daddy extra horny and want to destroy my pussy." I mentally pat myself on the back for speaking the truth.

"That's true, but Daddy will always destroy your pussy."

That's fucking true, my God.

"But what do you want then?" His eyes, full of lust, glitter in the soft, natural light; my heart shakes from allurement.

My eyes admire his lips, specifically concentrating on the suppleness of them. "Body kisses," I say simply.

"Body kisses?"

"Yes, Daddy, please."

"Oh, God, you're so sexy when you beg, baby."

"Please, Daddy," I beg him again, knowing how he can't resist.

"Don't have to ask Daddy twice." Smiling, he peels the sheets away from my body, unwrapping his post-workout reward, and the cool air greets my skin, eliciting goosebumps. "Jesus, you're so beautiful, baby girl."

I feel my cheeks heat in shyness.

The pad of his thumb presses to my supple lips, and I kiss it. "Tell me, kitten, where do you want Daddy's kisses?"

Chapter 97 1

Chapter 97 2


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