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Trapped Between Two Alphas (Katerina) novel Chapter 98

"Open your eyes and look at me."

I immediately obey his order. My eyes are arrested by his, surrendering to him. I lose myself in the dark pools of desire that fills his eyes.

While his eyes, shade of obsidian, connect with mine, he bows his head, spitting on my sex and dipping his tongue into my folds. His tongue swirls over my clitoris; my toes curl; my hands have a death grip on the sheets already. He winks at me. Jesus, fuck. The tables have turned.

"Eating me out wasn't part of the deal," I manage to choke out as nothing but pleasure attacks me, holding me hostage as her prisoner.

I feel his smile against my heat, and his eyes shift their attention to my core. His tongue works deeper into my folds. At the same time, his hand reaches up to slap my breast and squeeze it hard as his tongue continues to relentlessly fuck me. My hand holds onto the top of his, that claims my breast, tightly for dear life as the roller coaster of pleasure intensifies every gut-wrenching second.

"Oh my God, Daddy."

He slaps my breast again. Three of his fingers slip inside me, adding to the already overwhelming weight of pleasure on my body. He murmurs, while his thick fingers fuck me in a teasingly slow speed, "Daddy needs you to cum all over his face."

"Yes, Daddy, I will. Beg me, again."

"Daddy needs you so fucking much, baby girl. Give it to me."

The inundation of pleasure from his tongue and fingers urge me closer and closer to the edge. My legs want to close, but his hand forces them to stay apart, and he continues to passionately and sensually assault my pussy with his tongue and fingers. At this point, my toes are off the edge of the mental cliff; I'm at my tipping point.

"Fucking cum for me, beautiful."

I dive off the cliff, then hit the water, producing a mighty splash in the sea of pleasure. My moans fill the room; my body convulses in euphoria. His mouth is open, catching my release, and he licks my center clean.

Suddenly, his mouth appears on mine, kissing me, playing with my tongue, transferring my own flavor to me. His head pulls away. "That was a nice post-workout snack for Daddy." He licks my lips. His hard cock is restrained by his shorts, rubbing up against my sex. "How do you feel? Are you still sore?"

"I feel less sore."

"Less sore? Oh, good." He climbs off of me and the bed, then slides off his shorts, along with his boxers. His hard, twitching manhood springs out, and his hand strokes it. He groans. "I'm sorry, baby, but Daddy needs to fuck you until you're sore again." His hand slaps his cock a few times, showing how needy he is.

"But, I thought morning sex was supposed to be nice and slow?"

"Not this morning. Daddy's just a tad bit more horny than usual." He grins.

Just a tad bit my ass. I do my prayers so my pussy will remain in one piece this morning.

He returns to the bed, his body looming over mine. His hand pulls me to the edge of the bed, and my leg hooks over his shoulder. I spit on my hand, then stroke his cock.

He smiles salaciously; his length twitches in my hand. "Oh, you're such a good girl, kitten."

"I know. Now, Daddy's ready to fuck."

"My sweet angel, I love you." He teases me as he grinds his cock against my slick folds, further lubricating himself. I groan. He sticks the tip of his length past my entrance, slowly sliding so the head is now inside me.

My head tips back. "Oh, Daddy, I love you."

"Mmm, baby, I haven't even started fucking you yet." His entire length fills me up, stretching my internal muscles deliciously, and they clench around him in return. "You'll love me even more when I do this." He slams his length, engorged with desire, deep inside me, and he begins to thrust, picking up speed quickly. "You like that, kitten?" His tip already touches my womb, delivering tingles to every part of my body like bolts of electricity.

Chapter 98 1


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