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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 100

Chapter 100 Sister

Emma POV

“Daisy?” I called her as soon as I entered my house.

Well, it was now my brother and Daisy’s house, but they always told me that this was and always would be my home. They didn’t even touch my room. They wanted me to have it. I was very grateful to them. This house and Andrew were the only connections that I had with my parents. I was so lucky that I got to keep both.

“Kitchen.” I heard her voice.

I walked toward the kitchen and smiled as soon as I saw her. She looked like a small penguin when she walked.

“Stop smiling.” Daisy said, frowning at me. “Wait until you get pregnant. Walking is hard.”

I grinned as I approached her and placed my hands on her belly.

“How is my little buddy?” I asked softly.

He kicked my hand, and I smiled.

“Very kicky.” Daisy sighed. “I can’t wait until he is out of me so he can kick your brother for a change.”

I snorted and rubbed her belly gently.

“What’s wrong with you, sweetie?” Daisy asked as she ran her fingers through my hair. “I can see that something is bothering you.”

I looked up at her and gave her a small smile.

I loved Daisy so much. She embraced me from the start, and she has shown me nothing but love since. I was afraid

that she would see me as a disturbance, just like Sienna did. I was afraid that she wouldn’t understand how much Andrew and I meant to each other. I was afraid that she would try to separate my brother and me.

But, thankfully, I was so wrong.

She was nothing but kind and loving. She became my best friend and my sister.

I was lucky to have her in my life.

“We have to postpone the opening again.” I sighed as I moved my hands from her belly.

“Is it the delivery again?” Daisy asked, furrowing her eyebrows.

“Yes.” I said as I walked to the table and sat down. “Something is going on, and I

don’t know what.”

“Can you send someone to check it out?” Daisy asked as she wiggled toward me.

I had to bite my lip to stop myself from smiling.

“I wanted to go and check myself, but…” I started speaking, but Daisy interrupted

“But your brother and Logan said no?” she chuckled as she sat down opposite

“Yes.” I sighed. “It’s been four years. I don’t know what they are afraid of.”

“They are afraid of losing you, sweetie.” Daisy said as she reached over the table and took my hand in hers. “I can feel Andrew’s emotions, Emma. I can’t even

describe how much he loves you. You are his baby sister, his first child. He would go insane if something happened to you, Em. I’m not sure if he would survive it.”

Daisy’s voice broke, and she took a deep breath.

“I don’t even have to tell you what would happen to Logan.” she continued, squeezing my hand tightly. “I don’t even have to tell you what would happen to me. I don’t want to lose my best friend and my baby sister.”

I gulped and tried hard to stop the tears from falling on my cheek.

“Don’t let Amy hear you call me your best friend.” I joked. “You know how jealous she is.”

Daisy rolled her eyes playfully, and I


“She is lucky that she will probably be my sister-in-law, or else I would challenge her to a fight.” Daisy said, winking at me.


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