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True Luna novel (Emma and Logan) novel Chapter 102

Chapter 102 The Visit

Logan POV

“Why are you so happy?” Andrew asked as he was looking through the papers on his desk.

Well, I was happy because I fucked my mate a couple of times last night. It was amazing as always. She was so fucking perfect, and I just couldn’t get enough of her. My dick throbbed again just remembering how fucking amazing her pussy, and that little mouth felt.

I couldn’t tell that to her brother, though.

“You don’t want to know.” I smirked, making Andrew look up at me.

He rolled his eyes and sighed.

“I will never get used to this.” Andrew mumbled, looking back down at the papers.

“She is 22, Andrew.” I said. “She is an adult.”

“Well, in my eyes, she is still that little girl who made me clean her nose because the boogies were tickling her.” Andrew said, making me chuckle.

“She made you clean her nose?” I asked, trying to stop myself from laughing.

“Yes.” Andrew nodded. “She would make me look inside to see where boogies were.”

I couldn’t hold back my laugh anymore.

“Oh, I am so going to tease her for that.” I said, shaking my head.

Andrew snorted, not looking up at me.

“So Drake is coming tomorrow?” I asked Andrew.

“Yes.” he nodded. “He wants to see Daisy and talk to Amy about something important.”

Emma told me that Drake was going to ask Amy to be his chosen mate. I was happy for them. Amy was a nice girl, and she deserved a good mate who would take care of her. Drake was definitely that.

“Drake is going to ask Amy to be his chosen mate.” I said, making Andrew look back up at me.

“Really?” he asked. “It’s about time.”

“I agree.” I nodded. “I’m happy for them.”

“You are happy because he backed off of Emma.” Andrew said, smirking.

He wasn’t wrong. Drake was in love with my mate, and it pissed me off so

fucking much. I wanted to kill him. I wanted to rip his eyes out because he just wouldn’t stop looking at her. He didn’t stop even after I marked her.

Emma had to stop me from killing him a few times. She was fucking mine, and no other male would ever come close to her. So when Drake started hanging out with Amy, I was the happiest man ever.

“You are right.” I nodded. “I almost killed him a couple of times.”

“No shit.” Andrew chuckled. “But you know that you didn’t have to? Emma would never choose him.”

“I know.” I sighed. “But I was so fucking scared that she would leave me. Even after I marked her, I still thought that maybe she would change her mind. I still thought that she would somehow remove my mark and leave me. It wasn’t until I saw her walking down the aisle

that I knew that she was really mine.”

I remembered how fucking beautiful she looked that day, and my heart raced. She was extraordinary, and I couldn’t look away from her. Her beauty captured my mind and my soul. I was like a lost little puppy that day. The only thing I did was look at her and follow her around.

I couldn’t wait to fuck her that day. I didn’t even wait for her to take her dress off. I just sank into her and enjoyed her whole body. That was just one of the times we had sex that night.

And it was fucking amazing. Just like every time before and after that.

“She is, Logan.” Andrew said, giving me a small smile. “You don’t have to worry about that.”

“I know.” I said, smiling. “I’m not worried. I know that she loves me as much as I love her.”


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